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Side Quests

The side quests are available from chapter 6 and on. There are a total of four (though only up to three are available at any time): Granbelos Fortress and Easy Dungeon constantly change the enemy units per chapter, and there are always several possibilities for the combinations of enemies in any chapter. Hard Dungeon and Situation Critical are always the same battle and have their own pages, so they won't be mentioned here. You don't get any bonus EXP for completing a side quest. Some Side Quests can have several possibilities in each chapter.

Because side quests are generally quite easy to get through and the many combinations make a full list (like I have in the walkthrough) extremely time-consuming and fairly useless, I'll just list the types of enemies featured in each sidequest for each chapter. If you want a particular enemy type and don't get it, just keep trying the sidequest... it can be quite random. I've logged seven different combinations of enemies in one chapter. O_o Usually there's one strong/rare enemy that appears at the top of the screen (in place of the boss or acting as the boss) which changes per combination, so you'll know which ones you've already gotten. Enemies that appear a maximum of once in any combination for that chapter are marked with a *. One thing that's odd... if you ever come across a Brandung in the Easy Dungeon, if you beat it, the side quest will end, even if it's right near the start! O_o Other bosses which end the Easy Dungeon are Scylla, Grand Moth, Soul Cage, Ixsett, Dictory, Veltim, and the real Lucrec.

Chapter 6

Granbelos Fortress: Soldier, Highlander, Warbuster, *Brummbaer, *Lazenritter, *Groyer, Presenter(3), Cure Mage, Ice Magus, Flame Magus

Easy Dungeon: Triphid, Sky Hawk, Vampire Bat, *Dendrobium, *Chimera

Chapter 7

Granbelos Fortress: Soldier, Highlander, Warbuster, Brummbaer, Lazenritter, Groyer, Presenter(3), Presenter(5), Cure Mage, Ice Magus, Flame Magus, Gran Launcher

Easy Dungeon: Same as Easy Dungeon from chapter 6.

Chapter 8

Granbelos Fortress: Highlander, Warbuster, Brummbaer, Lazenritter, Groyer, Presenter(3), Presenter(5), Cure Mage, Ice Magus, Flame Magus, Gran Launcher

Easy Dungeon: Same as Easy Dungeons from Chapter 6.

Chapter 9

Granbelos Fortress: Highlander, Warbuster, Brummbaer, Lazenritter, Groyer, *Murderer, *Gerumpel(F), *Gerumpel(I), Presenter(4), Presenter(5), Cure Mage, Ice Magus, Flame Magus, Blitz Magus, *Master Magus, Gran Launcher

Easy Dungeon: Triphid, Vampire Bat, Gargoyle, *Chimera, *Corsair

Chapter 10

Granbelos Fortress: Highlander, Warbuster, Brummbaer, Lazenritter, Groyer, Murderer, Gerumpel(F), Gerumpel(I), Gerumpel(T), Presenter(5), Cure Mage, Blitz Magus, Master Magus, Gran Launcher

Easy Dungeon 1: Triphid, Vampire Bat, Sky Hawk, Gargoyle, *Chimera, Corsair, *Buckaneer, *Brandung

Chapter 11

Granbelos Fortress: Highlander, Warbuster, Brummbaer, Lazenritter, Groyer, Murderer, Gerumpel(F), Gerumpel(I), Gerumpel(T), Cure Mage, Blitz Magus, Master Magus, Gran Launcher

Easy Dungeon: Triphid, Gargoyle, Corsair, *Buckaneer, *Brandung

Chapter 12

Granbelos Fortress: Highlander, Brummbaer, Lazenritter, Groyer, Murderer, Gerumpel(F), Gerumpel(I), Gerumpel(T), Presenter(6), Cure Mage, Blitz Magus, Master Magus, Gran Launcher, Corsair

Easy Dungeon: Triphid, Gargoyle, Corsair, Buckaneer, Banshee, Siren, Moltwasser, Colossus, *Brandung

Chapter 13

Granbelos Fortress: Lazenritter, Groyer, Murderer, Gerumpel(F), Gerumpel(I), Gerumpel(T), Presenter(5), Master Magus, Cure Sorcerer, *Magic Guard, *Blade Guard

Easy Dungeon: Gargoyle, Corsair, Buckaneer, Moltwasser, Siren, Colossus, Tentacles, Spinal, Deflesh, *Scylla, *Brandung, *Kraken

Chapter 14

Granbelos Fortress: Lazenritter, Murderer, Gerumpel(T), Gerumpel(I) Gerumpel(F), Master Magus, Cure Sorcerer, Corsair, Magic Guard, Blade Guard

Easy Dungeon: Corsair, Buckaneer, Tentacles, Banshee, Moltwasser, Colossus, Phantasm, Spinal, Deflesh, Greasy, Poison Lizard, *Brandung, *Scylla, *Kraken, *Diseaser

Chapter 15

Granbelos Fortress: Lazenritter, Murderer, Gerumpel(F), Gerumpel(I), Gerumpel(T), Master Magus, *Presenter(8), *Blade Guard, *Magic Guard, *Centurion, *Lazenlord

Easy Dungeon: Buckaneer, Grind Dagger, Phantasm, Greasy, Poison Lizard, Deflesh, Spinal, Magic Guard, Blade Guard, Taros, *Kraken, *Brandung, *Scylla, *Diseaser

Chapter 16

Granbelos Fortress: Gerumpel(F), Gerumpel(I), Gerumpel(T), Murderer, Slaughterer, Lazenlord, Centurion, Bengurion, Presenter(8), Master Magus, Cure Sorcerer, Gran Launcher

Easy Dungeon: Spinal, Deflesh, Grind Dagger, Greasy, Poison Lizard, Oozie, Phantasm, Stirge, Taros, Kraken, *Scylla, *Diseaser, *Grand Moth

Chapter 17

Granbelos Fortress: Gerumpel(F), Gerumpel(I), Gerumpel(T), Slaughterer, Lazenlord, Centurion, Bengurion, Presenter(8), Cure Sorcerer, Wespe, *Magic Guard, *Blade Guard

Easy Dungeon: Spinal, Deflesh, Greasy, Oozie, Kraken, Night Hawk, Cottontail, Taros, Revenant, Wraith, *Diseaser, *Grand Moth, *Basilisk

Chapter 18

Granbelos Fortress: Slaughterer, Lazenlord, Bengurion, Centurion, Presenter(8), Cure Sorcerer, Wespe, *Gladiator(F)

Easy Dungeon: Taros, Cottontail, Night Hawk, Wraith, Revenant, Basilisk, Kitty Hawk, *Diseaser, *Grand Moth, *Soul Cage

Chapter 19

Granbelos Fortress: Slaughterer, Lazenlord, Bengurion, Centurion, *Gladiator(F), *Grey Scalper, *Lan Ze Lord, *Gran Knight, Presenter(8), Cure Sorcerer, Wespe, *Cure Comrade

Easy Dungeon: Taros, Night Hawk, Wraith, Revenant, Basilisk, Kitty Hawk, *Royal Chimera, *Diseaser, *Soul Cage, *Alchemic

Chapter 20

Granbelos Fortress: Slaughterer, Lazenlord, Bengurion, Centurion, Gladiator, Grey Scalper, Mitia, Lan Ze Lord, Gran Knight, Presenter(8), Cure Sorcerer, Wespe, Cure Comrade, Hornisse, *Mistral

Easy Dungeon: Taros, Wraith, Revenant, Hell Chimera, Kitty Hawk, Royal Chimera, Basilisk, *Soul Cage, *Alchemic

Chapter 21

Granbelos Fortress: Slaughterer, Lazenlord, Gladiator, Grey Scalper, Mitia, Lan Ze Lord, Gran Knight, Mistral, Presenter(8), Cure Sorcerer, Wespe, Hornisse, Gran Gunner, *Hummel, *Panzer Lair

Easy Dungeon: Taros, Cottontail, Wraith, Revenant, Hell Chimera, Kitty Hawk, Royal Chimera, *Grand Moth, *Soul Cage

Chapter 22

Granbelos Fortress: Lazenlord, Grey Scalper, Lan Ze Lord, Mitia, Mistral, Presenter(8), Hornisse, Hummel, Gran Gunner, *Panzer Lair, *Gran Guard

Easy Dungeon: Taros, Wraith, Revenant, Hell Chimera, Kitty Hawk, Royal Chimera, *Grand Moth, *Soul Cage, *Alchemic

Chapter 23

Granbelos Fortress: Lazenlord, Grey Scalper, Mistral, Gran Knight, Panzer Lair, Gran Guard, Presenter(8), Cure Comrade, Hornisse, Hummel, Gran Gunner, Gran Cannon

Chapter 24

Easy Dungeon: Evil Savage, Evil Beast, Temple Guard, Heal Glaive, *Ixsett, *Dictory

Chapter 25

Easy Dungeon: Evil Beast, Temple Guard, Heal Glaive, Dark Stalker, Ring Commander, *Ixsett, *Dictory

Chapter 26

Easy Dungeon: Evil Beast, Temple Guard, Dark Stalker, Ring Commander, Radamantis, *Ixsett, *Dictory, *Veltim

Chapter 27

Easy Dungeon: Dark Stalker, Ring Commander, Radamantis, Dark Sceptre, Heal Glaive, *Veltim, *Lucrec

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