In many
ways, this is a readily
recognizable Final Fantasy game. It has a world map with random
encounters, as you would probably expect, and you get an airship later
in the game, as with any good Final Fantasy adventure. This game,
however, is notable for the charm of its characters, as well as their
great variety, both in race and in personality. Getting to know
them can be as much of an adventure as the main conflict around which
the story is based.
learn abilities through equipment. Any given weapon or
piece of armor might be able to teach a character certain abilities,
and when enough ability points have been acquired through battle to
master the abilities, that item should be removed to make way for
another piece of equipment with new abilities. Armor and weapons
can be bought, or can be made by combining weaker equipment with the
aid of a synthesist. |
The game
can be saved with moogles, who appear frequently throughout
the game. They are also responsible for initiating one of the
game's side quests, which are many and varied. Some of them last
for nearly the entire game, and completing them can provide great
satisfaction. And where would a Final Fantasy game be without a
chocobo? You will meet Choco early in the game, and he will be a
reliable and helpful companion.
Here are
a few things to remember as you start this four-disc-long
adventure. |
Do not sell your old equipment,
as it will likely
be used in synthesis later. |
Save the game whenever you are
given a chance,
because you never know when a tough enemy is going to come along.
Save before challenging someone
to a card game, so
you won't have to
cry if you lose your best cards. I would also recommend saving
time you win a rare card. |
Don't forget to weed through
your Tetra Master
cards periodically, as you can only carry 100. If you already
have 100, you will lose additional cards that come your way. |
Keep a close eye on your
abilities, and change
your equipment as soon as all the abilities it can teach have been
mastered. It is a waste of AP to leave equipment with only
mastered abilities on if you have something else which will teach new
abilities. If you have more than one piece of equipment which
teaches a certain ability, you can equip them simultaneously to learn
it that much faster. Each one will contribute AP toward the
learning of the skill after every battle. |
The bosses in this game almost
invariably carry
great equipment, so steal every time you get in a boss battle. |
Don't neglect to watch the
ATE's, or Active Time
Events. They can enrich the story a great deal. |
Keep plenty of restorative items
in your
inventory, because it is surprising how quickly they can disappear when
you are traveling on the world map. |
When cycling through menus, use
the L1 and R1
buttons to move through them page by page. It will save a lot of
time. |
Make use of the abilities which
prevent status ailments
and cause extra damage to certain classes of enemies. They can
make your way much easier. |
Press the Select button while in
the menu to get
additional information about the item or ability that you are examining. |
Search every field icon that you
see, because they add
to your treasure hunter ranking. |
Complete as many of the side
quests and mini-games as
possible. The rewards are often good ones. |
Use Dagger's Scan ability to
determine what weaknesses an
enemy may have. These are usually what you would expect, but it
doesn't hurt to check. In general, use fire magic on plant types,
wind magic on flying monsters, and ice magic on fire-based
enemies. |
When using a cure spell from the
menu, if you
press the left arrow button, you can then use that spell on all party
members. This saves a lot of MP when healing after a battle. |
Negative status conditions can
persist after battle, so make
to remove them with spells or items. |