FlashManΩ |
Comp 2, at the bottom of the karge area.
2 BunnyΩ
and an EleballΩ
2 EleballΩ
3 ElebeeΩ
GutsManΩ |
Homepage, on one of the bottom-most yellow panels.
3 MettaurΩ
MettaurΩ and two HardHeadΩ
Two FishyΩ |
BeastManΩ |
Go to Zoo
Comp 3. Take the second left. When you reach the first platform, go
up and to the dead end.
2 RattyΩ
SpikeyΩ and 2 RattyΩ
2 FishyΩ |
BubbleManΩ |
Go to
Yoka 2. Head up the stairs. Take the second left as you walk and go
across a small walkway to a dead-end where Bubbleman is.
3 ShrimpyΩ
2 SlimerΩ and 1 PengiΩ
SlimerΩ and two JellyΩ
On the
upper floor od the DNN
building, jack into the door panel and go down-left in the middle of
find him.
2 SwordyΩ
2 TrumpyΩ
HardheadΩ and N. 0-Ω |
Go to
Tamako's HP and go down
the second left, and step on the blue-and-red flashing panel.
YortΩ and WindΩ
2 YortΩ |
DesertManΩ |
Jack into
the DNN van and go to the right-hand corner.
3 QuakerΩ
2 MomograΩ and QuakerΩ
MomograΩ and SnowBlowΩ
PlantManΩ |
Go to
Hosp Comp 3 by jacking into the Operating Room panel. Take the first
two warps. Head up, then left, then down to a dead-end to find him.
PuffballΩ and BoomerΩ |
FlamManΩ |
Go to
where you fought him in Undernet 3, then the space just above the
left-most torch.
3 SpikeyΩ
BasherΩ, SpikeyΩ and VolcanoΩ |
BowlManΩ |
Jack into
the DNN studio machine, and head down-right to face him.
HardheadΩ and BoomerΩ
HardheadΩ and BasherΩ
You do fight him here in Blue Version as
opposute side of the arena
to BowlManΩ |
and WindΩ
TotemΩ and PuffballΩ
3 TotemΩ |
DrillManΩ |
Go to
where you fought him and walk to the back of the area to find him. |
3 MettaurΩ
2 MomograΩ and MettaurΩ
NeedlerΩ |
DarkmanΩ |
In Secret
1, take the upper-left exit from the main area, then go right, left,
right to a dead-end.
2 KillerEyeΩ and DominerdΩ
DominerdΩ and ShadowΩ
YamatoManΩ |
In secret
2 take the normal route to Secret 3. fter you exit the second warp
however, go up and don't turn off. Break the monolith, and take the
invisible path right, and go to the back of the area.
2 BoomerΩ
BrushmanΩ, SwordyΩ and BoomerΩ
2 SwordyΩ |
ProtoManΩ |
The lower
level of the Hades comp. Take the stairs down, then follow the small
walkways until you reach the 3x3 area.
2 TwinsΩ
2 SwordyΩ
2 FishyΩ |
BassΩ |
Secret 3,
where HubBatc was, the lower-right area of the cross.
Scuttzer, Scuttlest
Scuttler, ScuttleΩ |
SerenadeΩ |
Back of
the area where you fought him the first time.
2 ScuttleΩ
2 AlphaBugΩ
AlphaBugΩ and ScuttleΩ |
AlphaΩ |
Play the
game to completion.
When you defeat Bass, instead of fighting Alpha you will fight AlphaΩ. |