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Beastiary: Part 4 of 4: Futureland Enemies

Beastiary: Part 4. You'll find these enemies on the railways of Futureland, as well as the dungeons and plains leading to the final Boss. Yet again, note that they have higher levels and different battle music than the older enemies.

I've split the Beastiary into 4 sections, based on the 4 continents of the game. I have also arranged all the info into a table. You should know that by now! If you don't, read the first section! \ _ /

Futureland Enemies
Enemy Name Level Location Enemy Type EXP/Sen Picture Strategy
Quarterback LV 27 Train to Athletown, Sewer Canal, Futureland Area, Grandpolis Small Enemy 100 exp/80 sen These guys jump around quite a bit (often off the train in the train battlefield!). Keep a close eye on them, or they will bite on to your butt and, ahem.... explode....... ???? Sometimes appears with Coach enemies.
Olympic Torch LV 27 Train to Athletown, Sewer Canal, Futureland Area, Grandpolis Small Enemy 100 exp/80 sen Same thing as the Quarterback, except this is the Japanese version. Weird, huh?
Lady Bug LV 25 Train to Athletown, Grandpolis 1-Hit Enemy 120 exp/106 sen Easy! Just Moonsault Kick these guys, and enjoy the 120 exp each! Too bad you don't see these guys too often.
Gorilla LV 28 Futureland Area, Train to Athletown Medium Enemy 800 exp/500 sen Do I NEED to tell you to fight this enemy? 800 exp per Gorilla, and Gorillas are REALLY easy to kill! Big, dumb and slow they are, so take advantage of them!
Coach LV 27 Futureland Area, Train To Athletown, Sewer Canal Small Enemy 80 exp/120 sen The foot soldiers of Bad News Boss. These guys have a weird attack which stretches their neck, raising their head out of punching reach, meaning you'll have to resort to jumping attacks to take them out. Appears with Quarterback and Cheerleader.
Karate Master Rick LV ??(Doesn't tell) Talk To Rick in Horizon Gate Small Enemy 6000 exp/300 sen VERY difficult to defeat, unless you use Ninja Cyclone. Simple enough, really.
Fake Jack LV 27 Sewer Canal Small Enemy 80 exp/110 sen Ouch..... these things are really hard to kill. Think of them as higher leveled Wolf enemies that aren't worth jack (hehe, pardon the pun). Only fight the ones you actually have to kill to progress... skip the rest. Fights with Fake Ryu.
Fake Ryu LV 27 Sewer Canal Small Enemy 80 exp/102 sen Not as hard as Fake Jack, but still not worth the effort.These guys fight identically to the Coach enemies found earlier, complete with the neck-stretching thing. Fights with Fake Jack.
Cheerleader LV 27 Sewer Canal Dancing Enemy 360 exp/40 sen The hardest Dancing Enemy in the game, Cheerleaders give you very little time to react and hit them. The Turtle Watch helps greatly!!
King Cobra LV 30 Sewer Canal, Vigilante Cave, Path to Vigilante Cave, Final Tower Large Enemy 1000 exp/825 sen This guy can be beaten like any other Large Enemy, just be careful: he IS Level 30.
Airship LV 30 Futureland Area, Vigilante Cave, Final Dungeon Flying Enemy 1000 exp/800 sen You'll mostly find these things out on the plains near the final moments of the game. Just like any other flying enemy out there. Fight it for old time sake!
Redbot LV 30 Cactus Village Area, Path to Vigilante Cave Small Enemy 90 exp/122 sen This may very well be the toughest enemy in the game. Redbots look easy at first glance, but soon after they enter the battle, they pull out GUNS!!!!!!! ACK! RUN AWAY! 90 EXP IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!
Cyborg LV 30 Cactus Village Area, Path to Vigilante Cave Small Enemy 100 exp/118 sen Fights exactly the same as the Desertbot enemies found WAY back near Celestern. They will launch their fists at you, just like back in Celestern.... ahh, memories. Keep moving to avoid the explosions. Sometimes appears with Redbot.
Flyborg LV 29 Cactus Village Area, Path to Vigilante Cave, Grandpolis 2-Stage Enemy 100 exp/118 sen Basically, a Cyborg that starts off as a 1-hit enemy. Use a Moonsault Kick to ground them, then proceed with standard fighting procedures.
Trooper LV 31 Grandpolis, Vigilante Cave, Final Tower Medium Enemy 1000 exp/400 sen Now THIS is the enemy to level up on. Troopers are quite common, and are very easy to dispose of. If given enough time, they will summon a Dragon though..
Dragon LV ?? (Not Told) Summoned by Redbots or Troopers if given enough time Huge Enemy 1800 exp/1400 sen Also very good for building levels. Just switch to T-Stars and throw an endless barrage until the Dragon dies. Then, wait for another! Repeat as necessary.
Gigan Octopus LV ?? (Not Told) Summoned by Redbots or Troopers if given enough time Huge Enemy 1800 exp/1400 sen The Japanese version of the Dragon enemy. I personally like the octo more! 8)
Robo-Copter LV 32 Final Tower Flying Enemy 1000 exp/900 sen The strongest Flying Enemy in the game, as well as the rarest. You can only hit it when it's open, by the way.
WarMech LV 33 Final Tower Large Enemy 1100 exp/800 sen The highest-leveled enemy in the game, but not the hardest to kill, by far. WarMech is fairly easy to kill, as only 1 attacks at a time. The odds are you won't even find one: they are quite rare.

Beastiary: Part 1

Beastiary: Part 2

Beastiary: Part 3

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