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Here is a chart of all the magic spells found throughout the game, their effects, NP costs, and where to get them. Simple, eh?

List Of Magics
Magic Name Where to Get it NP Cost Effects Picture
Escape Leaf Notruedamus' Temple, beginning of the game 4 NP The first magic spell in the game, and without a doubt one of the best out there, the Escape Leaf can be used in any battle, and allows you to flee from the current battle if things are looking grim, with a 100% success rate! Very very useful, indeed!
T-Star Complete Rick's chambers of Earth and Water 5 NP Selecting T-Star during a battle gives you an endless supply of powerful ninja stars for about a half a minute or so. T-Stars are quite powerful, and can be used to attack from far away! Considering you can toss a LOT of stars in 30 seconds, this spell is definitely worth the NP cost!
Vitalizer Janken House (Beat Leila's game) 10 NP Need a quick HP refill, but don't want to use up a Sweet Bun? Then use Vitalizer instead! Inexpensive, easy to get, and quite effective, the Vitalizer is a good spell to use in a jam.
Reflextar Sold in Kingland for 500 Sen 8 NP Just like T-Stars from before, only these ones bounce off enemies and hit other enemies! How cool is that?
Magiport Julia's Father gives it to you in Fairy Tower 15 NP When used on the World Map, Magiport teleports you back to the last Convenience Store you visited! Peachy-keen!
Hyper Vision Airosche gives it to you in the Tower of Belba 5 NP This spell is essential for beating invisible enemies. One flash, and any would-be invisible enemies can be seen and hunted down! Use it on bosses too!
De Tecoy Beat Miss Finny to receive it 8 NP Creates a decoy of your character that enemies will go after instead of you! Beat them up during the confusion!
Boomerstar Sold in Arcadia for 3000 Sen 10 NP A larger, stronger version of the T-Star that returns after being thrown. A very useful weapon indeed!
Serinitech Mr Slowpo gives it to you 20 NP Lowers encounter rate for a limited time. When you hear a loud GONG!!!!!, that means the spell has run out.
Micro Ninja Notruedamus gives it to you in Yokan Free to use Shrinks your character. The only practical use for this spell is to get through a certain part of Mt Kyojin.
Magidoor Old Whaleman gives it to you 10 NP Allows you to instantly escape from dungeons.
Turtle Watch Beat Nargi to get it 10 NP Slows down all enemy movement. Very useful against Dancing Enemies!
Magicmine Sold in Athletown for 10000 Sen 30 NP Blows up every enemy on the screen. Not as useful as you'd think during battle, but wonderful in Boss Fights!
Magic Wind Beat B.B Virgo's Mini-Game 15 NP Blows away all enemies onscreen. Very useful when surrounded!
Star Bomb Found in Sewer Canal 12 NP A T-Star that sticks to enemies and explodes. Useless, in my opinion.

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