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Elba Island to Doom Island



Head north from Marse to Elba Island.

Head down the rope ladder and then right and through the door.
Flip the switch then leave the room.
Head to the door on the far left side.
Head all the way to the right and go through the door. Step on the teleporter.
Open the chest to get a piece of Alumina then leave this part and go to the bottom of the cave.
Head east and go all the way up the ladders and through the door. Step on the teleporter.
Head east and open the chest for another piece of Alumina.
Head back to the beginning of the cave and step on the teleporter. Flip the switch in the southern part of the cave and flip the switch.
Return to the bottom the cave and flip the switch in the right-most room then go up the ladder and step on the teleporter. Walk south and go through the door.
Open the chest for Alumina. Now leave the island and head northeast to Loire Island.
Head to the northeast corner of the Loire Island cave and go through the door.
Open the chest for a piece of Alumina then head back to the previous room and go down one of the staircases.
Head to the center on the bottom floor and go through the door.
Go through the tunnel and you'll reach this chest. If you want it, go at it from the left side. To continue, walk directly in front of it to fall down a hole.
Brant is stuck down here. Talk to him, and Jerin will warp everyone outside. He'll give you the last piece of Alumina then head to Marse. Return to Shaia Lab 3.
Looks like the Professor headed to Aisen Island alone since the Pirates kidnapped Lou.
Head northwest of Marse to the island.
Head through the eastern door.
Head through the back door and go up the stairs then go through the door on the right.
Head south through the center door and go up the stairs.
Head west then north and up the stairs.
Head west to the 4 switches. Hit them in this order: upper-left, lower-right, lower-left, upper-right. Then step on the the switch before the door to go through and then go up the stairs and through the next door.
You'll be charged at by the Pirates...
Bosun, Pirates:
Bosun uses Hi-Potions and boosting spells on Pirates so kill Bosun first. Use Valor or Boost to heal your party. Have Jerin cast Glacier while Lufia casts Thunder, and our Hero and Aguro attack. I recommend being around level 47-50 before fighting these guys.
Talk to Lou and he'll go with you. Return to the 2nd floor and take the exit to the left then go west and up the stairs.
Raile will thank you for saving him. Together, you'll leave the tower. Lou and Raile go to Shaia Lab 3 so head there.
They'll quickly repair the Falcon with the Alumina you brought. Now you can go underwater!
Head northeast to Soshette. You'll learn there that this is the place Doom Island fell. Head into one of the eddies surrounding the island.
Head through one of the caves (they're very straightforward) to reach Doom Island. Enter the castle and head through it to where Maxim fought the Sinistrals. (Walkthrough)
One the way up, you'll find Maxim's Dual Blade. You'll get it, and the statues of the Sinistrals rise.
One of the statues looks like a rather diabolical-looking Lufia... can't be good.
Daos, Amon, and Gades appear. They reveal that Lufia is actually the Sinistral Erim before they launch Doom Island back into the sky. Eh, that's even worse... After Lufia recovers in Soshette, head back to Shaia Lab 3 where you're told to get the Power Oil gfrom Epro to make Falcon fly.

Onward to the next section