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Guide to how you should set your day

This should be perfect for the single farmer, though for the married farmer, it can get a bit more tricky, if you want to keep your wife happy and have a kid, as you need to be in bed before 6.
1- As soon as you get up,if you have any animals, first ship their products (cows=milk & Chickens=eggs)
2- Give them all food (animals)( this can actually be left till last to, but its better to do it first so you dont forget, and aviod having angry chickens who refuse to lay eggs the next morning)
3- groom the cows and talk to them.
(can also be left till last, but, commn sense serves you do them first.)
(these can be done in the morning easily as no time pass's in the sheds)
4-Pick Corn
5-Pick Tomatoes
6-Pick Potatos
7-Pick Turnips
8a-(assuming you have any time left) Impress Ladies. How? Please refer to Dating Do's and Dont's for modern teens and ranchers
This is on the exception if you want to impress Eve (and Ellen in Summer, shes in the bar with her dad too).
If so, they can be left till last.
8b-Pick fruits in forest for extra G and put them in shipper or on sundays, give them to Flea Market.
8c-Buy Items off shops, grooming material, sprinkler sets, Seeds, Ect.
9a-Water crops/plant seeds
9b-Cut grass
10-Impress Eve/Ellan
11-Weed out any weeds that appear on your farm( several might grow back a day)
12-If your planning on building a house, Cut wood(always a good idea to have plenty stocked)
13-Watch News to see weather forecast
That should be the basic scedule for the time being. Using Common sense, of course, skip the ones you cant do.
The ones with letters besides the numbers all come down to choice, as they all are the same.

Now, for the married farmer, It gets harder, as you have to be home before 6, if you want kids that is, and get a higher happiness rating (needed to be a Master Rancher) You have to really plan the next FEW days, as all relys on your flexibilty, What days it going to be, (saturdays are good for REALLY working, so try planting most of your crops to grow so their ready to harvest on these days, for the fact that theres nothing really much to do on this day other then harvesting)

Since I cant give a proper guide due to the fact its really hard to know, here are a few guidelines
1- As per Usual, do things that dont require any time, as in the animals first.
2-You dont have to harvest ALL your crops in the one day. (this really gets hard if 1/3 of your farm is crops, like i do) so if you start harvesting, and don't finsh, which you will find common, just wait till the next day to continue. Try To ship the most expensive items first so you get more money faster.( Corn, Tomatoes, Potatoe and Turnips, in that order.)
3-Come home BEFORE 6 so your wife will be happy.
4-As I pointed out before, remember to cut the wood BEFORE you get married, as when you want to convert to the super delux house, you wont have any time to cut them if you were married.
5-Your Going to have to split the difference of harvesting and watering the plants during the day, as you wont have all night to water them anymore.
6-Its OK to leave SOME days going out late, just dont do it on a regular basis, Like, once a fortnight is fine, say if you BADLY need to cut some grass, and water crops.
7-When you have a baby, remember to pick it up every day (add to happiness rating?)
8-I just found out recently that hugging your dog is an important part of the game. Hug your Dog 100+ times along with other requirements to get the perfect ending.

Thats all I can think of for now, if you have any other suggestions that I might of missed email me at

Guide ver 1.0