Status AilmentsPermanent Status Ailments stay with you even after the battle ends. Silence Cannot cast spells. Poison HP goes down with every battle turn and every step taken. Blind Regular attacks miss frequently. Minimum Attack and defense go way down. Frog Attack and defense go way down and cannot cast spells. Piggy Speed goes way down; cannot cast any spells but "Piggy". Cursed Attack goes way down. Stone Cannot move or attack; if all characters are stoned/wounded, game ends. Wounded Dead; if all characters are stoned/wounded, game ends. Temporary Status Ailments end with the battle. Confuse Attacks and uses spells at foes and allies at random. HP-Down HP goes down even though you're not poisoned. Sleep Cannot move or do anything. Slow Takes longer to be ready to attack. Paralyze Cannot move or do anything. Stop Cannot move or do anything. Slow Petrify Body slowly turns to stone. You become stone if you wait too long. Beserk Stats go up by about 10%, but you can't be controlled. Death Sentence A timer appears. When it hits 0, your character is Wounded. These status "ailments" are helpful. They are all temporary with the exception of Levitate (which ends when you go up/down a floor in a cave). The spell "Dispel" rids you of beneficial status ailments. Levitate You aren't damaged by Quake Spells or damaging floors (ie Sylph Cave, Cave to the Phantom World). Haste It takes less time to get ready to attack. Protect Lessens physical attack damage. Shell Lessens magical attack damage. Reflect Most spells (including Cure spells) cast on you are reflected onto the enemy. A single spell cannot be reflected twice. Blink Let's you completely avoid physical attacks. Usually lasts 2-3 hits.