Gilbert Chris von Muir is a Prince Bard who fell in love with Anna, daughter of the great sage Tella, and ran away with her back to his homeland Damcyan, where the Red Wings were bombarding the castle. Anna threw herself to protect Gilbert and died. Now Gilbert has to fill that part in his life which he has lost.
| Height
| Weight
| Right/Left
| Birthplace
| 174 cm
| 51 kg
| Right-handed
| Damcyan
HealThis ability (also know as Medicine) splits up a potion to use on the party. In a five person party, this usually results in healing 15 HP. Useful in the beginning of the game and fighting Antlion.
SingThis ability allows Gilbert to play his harp and sing to the enemies, making them confused, blind, mute, etc. This ability is useful when building exp. and Gilbert can sing against large groups. If Gilbert uses this while he's a frog, he'll sing "Frog Song", which can turn enemies into frogs.
HideThis ability makes Gilbert hide in the shadows, immune to any sort of attack. The next round he can show himself, or contiue to hide. He will do this automatically if he is kneeling because his HP are too low.
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