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Locations DESCRIPTION Obviously, this is where Rygar begins his mission. This is the smallest and most straightforward area of the game. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) GRAN MOUNTAIN Just continue forward and you'll reach Gran Mountain. DESCRIPTION This is the first part of Rygar where you really have a choice of where you can go. Other than the Tower of Garba, its only real purpose is to lead Rygar into Garloz. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) HP REFILL Walk from the Beginning area, and when you reach the main mountain, take the first rope up, then continue right and climb the next rope. Head left and climb to the next level (you will need the grappling hook). Climb the tree and visit the hermit for a HP refill. 2) GARLOZ Walk from the Beginning area, and when you reach the main mountain, climb the third rope you encounter (you will have to jump two sets of pits), and head left, and go straight until you reach the door to Garloz. 3) LIFE POTION From the entrance to Garloz, go right and climb the first rope you reach. Then head left and climb the first rope you reach. Keep heading left and climb the next rope. From here, keep climbing up the mountain (you'll need the grappling hook) to reach a hermit who, if you have the coat of arms, will give you a Potion of Life. 4) TOWER OF GARBA While heading to the Life Potion, when you reach the point where you need the grappling hook, turn right and you should see a stump. Use the Crossbow and head to the right, and continue to the right until you reach the tower. DESCRIPTION This is the overworld area of Rygar, and instead of being side-scrolling, it is an overhead view. Almost all of the main locations in Rygar are connected by Garloz. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) HP REFILL From the entrance to Gran Mountain, head north until you see a path leading east, and cross the river you encounter (if you don't have the pulley, you'll have to walk north until you're around the river). When you reach the next screen, head north until you see another path leading east. Take this path, and on the next screen, head north and you'll find a door leading to a HP refill. 2) LIFE POTION From the entrance to Gran Mountain, head north, and take the eastern path, and you'll reach a river. Cross this river, and follow the river south and follow this path, and at the end, you'll find a door leading to a Life Potion (if you have the Coat of Arms). 3) GRAPPLING HOOK From the entrance to Gran Mountain, head north a bit and take the first path west. Then head north again, taking the eastern-most path. Follow this path until you see a staircase leading to a door. Inside this door is the Grappling Hook. 4) VALLEY OF ROLSA Follow the directions for the HP Refill, but after you cross the river and take the path to the next screen, you should see a door leading to the Valley of Rolsa. 5) MT. PRIMEVIL From the entrance to Gran Mountain, head north and go east, and you'll see a river. Follow the river's western shore south, and you'll eventually have to turn west. On this screen, you should see a rope you can cross taking you to an island. Keep heading west from this rope and you'll encounter the door leading to Mt. Primevil. 6) ENTRANCE TO LAPIS From the HP Refill, head south and take the path leading east. In this screen, you should be able to find the door leading to the Entrance to Lapis. 7) DORAGO'S PALACE Follow the directions for Mt. Primevil, but when you use the pulley to cross the river and go on the island, head north and follow the path until you see a stump. Stand slightly below the stump, and fire your crossbow and you should be able to cross to another island, an island containing Dorago's Palace. DESCRIPTION The Valley of Rolsa serves two purposes in Rygar. It serves as the entrance to Eruga's Forest, but it also hides the Sky Castle. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) ERUGA'S FOREST Simply continue to the right. If you ever encounter a dead end, use your grappling hook. 2) SKY CASTLE When going to Eruga's Forest, you may have noticed you had to climb a tower. Instead of going back down the tower and onto Eruga's Forest, use your grappling hook to climb the tower to the top, and you'll see a flying thing with a lion's head. If you collected the treasures from all of the Indora Gods, play the Pegasus Flute and an entrance to the Sky Castle will appear. DESCRIPTION Eruga's Forest only leads Rygar to Eruga and the Wind Pulley. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) WIND PULLEY Simply keep traveling to the right. If you get stuck, try using your grappling hook. At the end you'll fight Eruga. Beat him, and you win the Wind Pulley. DESCRIPTION Mt. Primevil simply leads Rygar to Sagila's cave. However, the Flying Birds encountered here are hella tough, and are sure to cause a few headaches... POINTS OF INTEREST 1) SAGILA'S CAVE Just continue traveling right until you encounter Sagila's Cave. DESCRIPTION Sagila's cave will take Rygar to Sagila, and if he defeats it, it'll win Rygar the Crossbow. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) HP REFILL At the beginning of the cave, take the first path down, and you'll find yourself on a floating platform. Make your way to level ground, and keep heading left until you find a door leading to a HP Refill. 2) CROSSBOW From the beginning of the cave, keep heading to the right until you reach a door. Go through this door, and once you get through the "sunset" part, you'll be back in the cave. Head left and go down, and on the next screen, head down again, and go left, until you see an area you can go down at. Go down one more time and follow this path until you reach Sagila. Beat Sagila and win the Crossbow. DESCRIPTION Entrance to Lapis is just what it sounds like. It is a gateway to Lapis. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) LAPIS Head right until you reach a tree. Climb this tree and you'll find a door to Lapis. DESCRIPTION A land of floating islands. If you make it to the end, you'll encounter Belzar, and if you kill this sunflower-looking monster, you'll win the Coat of Arms. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) COAT OF ARMS Continue to the end of Lapis. This may seem difficult at first, but whenever you reach a "dead end", use your grappling hook (not only on the screen above you, but below you as well). When you reach the end and kill Belzar, you'll win the Coat of Arms. DESCRIPTION An overhead view area. If you can make it through the maze-like interior, you'll fight Dorago for a chance to win the Indora's Armor. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) LIFE POTION From the Entrance, head north, and you should see some pillars. Go to the right of the pillars, continue north until you're about at the northern limit of the first pillar, and then cross the screen to the right. You'll see a path leading east. Take it. From here, go north until you reach a chasm. Find two stumps, and use your crossbow to cross the chasm. After you're accross, go north and east, and you'll find a path leading east. Take it and you'll find a door where you can get a Life Potion (if you have the Coat of Arms). 2) INDORA'S ARMOR From the Life Potion, head west, and when you're in the room with the chasm you crossed, take the west path again. This time, head south and cross another pit. When you go as far south as you can go, start going west, and continue going west as far as you can (ignore the path leading north). When you reach the wall, you must go north. Continue this path and you will reach Dorago. Defeat him (it?) and the Indora's Armor is yours. DESCRIPTION While most of the areas are in Garloz, the Tower of Garba is cleverly hidden in Gran Mountain. This is just an area where you must fight a series of mini-bosses, and if you survive, you'll win the Pegasus Flute.
POINTS OF INTEREST 1) PEGASUS FLUTE Simply fight your way to the end of the tower and you'll win the Pegasus Flute. DESCRIPTION While most of the areas are in Garloz, the Sky Castle is cleverly hidden in the Valley of Rolsa. This is an overhead area, and if you find your way to Ligar and defeat him, the game is over and peace in Argool is restored. POINTS OF INTEREST 1) LIFE POTION To enter the Sky Castle, follow its wall to the east and north until you see its entrance. Follow the path until you reach a four way intersection. From here, go south and follow the path and you'll find a door leading to a Life Potion. 2) LIGAR Follow the directions for the Life Potion until you reach the four way intersection. This time, take the western path, and follow it, and eventually you'll make your way to Ligar's chamber. Defeat him and you beat the game!