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Game Genie Codes *I did not write this, full credit goes to KarnAgeddon. Comments and questions should be sent to him. Graphics Codes YZTKOT-----Title screwy. In-game menu has Christmas theme. TSTKIE-----Funky title screen, game is hyper and glitched. VTSZTE-----Ducking and attacking locks the game with a graphic scramble OZTEPS-----Rygar’s arm is up in the air when he duck-attacks to the left. XXSEIS-----Graphic scrambler. Does weird things to where you start in a level. TTOPPS-----Hyper game, hitting select 3 times, then hitting start twice goes back to the game, but you’re apparently in 4-scroll mode (still can’t move). Freezes if you hit select too many times. ZZZTTO-----Game Freezes on you. Not sure why yet. AEIAGE-----Does something to all the sprites, except for you and doors (includes your weapon). EESAGE-----Enemies are nothing more than scrambled graphics (might as well be an invisible enemies code: you can’t really see where they really are) AIIKAG-----Scrambles the ground and background. ZOIEKA-----Enemy explosion is glitched AKGEIO-----Once you’re in the menu, you can’t get out. Also changes how you look when facing right. PIKEPS-----Rygar’s upper body is being melted away by acid when standing attack to the left. AKAAEI-----Title screen text color is messed up, and some enemies will moonwalk towards you. AAPTTL-----Modifies the graphics for many things, and messes up the music. Gives you a headache if you use this code for too long. EXZPAA-----Messes up the Y in Rygar. TSAAIE-----Graphics alterer code. Also affects the first level layout by sticking in part of the tower level halfway through the level. SELEKZ-----Changes color of some enemies {adjust code to get diff. colors: This code produces Sub-Zero ones}. PILAGE-----VERY SCRAMBLED SCREEN!! GANEPA-----Scrambles Rygar’s graphics, and enemies look weird when moving. PKAGEI-----Random oddness of color pallate, starting location, and hyper game. Will freeze most of the time, but you can play through a the first level fine if the game doesn’t freeze. Hitting start twice may also change the current color scheme to something else. Game freezes upon entering the next door. EEPPPE-----Random glitch/freeze code. Have to tweak around with this one. NNPPPE-----Similar to the code above, but still freezes despite a slightly lessened effect. SFX/Music Codes EPTVPZ-----Funky music. Restarts often. OSTVPZ-----Cool music modifier for every level except the first one. Freezes often. On the first level, hit start twice to see where you’re going. PPOVPO-----Cosmic-Static Music. Powered up weapon sounds like something out of Metroid. Funny stuff here! POPVPO-----Sounds chain to what you do. EPSTZT-----Synth alteration to the first area music TZTTZT-----Adds some other noises to the first part of the first area music. ITOTZT-----Adds some kind of between level music. IIOTZT-----Another form of the above music IIOTZO-----Game CRASHES AND BURNS (not permenant, but freaky sounding). VXZTZO-----Low tone music. Game sometimes gets hyper. Freezes alot. SOTTZO-----Attacking or jumping causes the game to skip. Sometimes goes turbo. Freezes alot. ESTVPI-----Hitting enemies noise different. OZOTPZ-----Alters the bass and the tone of the music. Hit noises are just a simple beep. YVSEPO-----Hitting start twice freezes the game, but leaves the music playing. XVYTTO-----Lowers game music several octaves lower. Sounds kinda kinky, if you ask me. OSTTTO-----Cool noises. Music is lower in tone. NNTTTO-----Similar to above, but not as low. Ahhh.....another LONG list of codes. For this list, it’s divided into sepearate sections for your convenience: The code, the music (BGM) effect, and the Sound (SFX) effect. Other notes may be posted under the code, such as the frequency of lock-ups, for example. So, without delay, here they are:
Man........that was LONG!!!!! AKITAE-----Grainy music. PEVVPO-----Funky music. OXZVPO-----Weird music and no sounds except for the hit noise and death noise for enemies. Music appears to be the same for every level. EASTLY-----Music switch PEIVPO-----Sounds and music are cosmic sounding. Kinda cool. PPKVPP-----The first level music is now muted out bass of the ending music. After the first level, the game has conflicts with other random music put in and will reset frequently on you. OPSVPP-----Music change. It will come on late with only the bass part going and will increase in tempo briefly when a sound is played. Sometimes the music will switch altogether to something normally in the game, or will just play random sounds. Going into some levels will freeze the game, however. SPZVPZ-----Odd effects to go with music, and new color pattern. Also, you start right in the ice level, but anytime you go into a door it puts you into the valley. Enemies may cause a sudden shift in the level which can be bad. Among other things, this code is annoying if you’re actually trying to play the game with it on, but not bad to look at. ISTVPP-----Very neat alteration to the music and sounds. Better version of.... AATVPP-----Music skips around, and the SFX are jumpy. Rygar/Enemy Property Codes STIPOZ-----Deletes enemies TSTKIZ-----Game switches from/to 4-way scrolling while playing. Game will usually switch to proper scrolling when you switch to another screen (by going off one) KIKZXL-----Enemies WAY out of place IITXXY-----Enemies get a speed boost sometimes. KTXLXY-----Enemies sink into the ground and eventually fall off. AEIEKA-----Killing an enemy freezes the game. PEAKIE-----Tone and Last is 0. Can’t kill anything, and the game is slow. AESOIP-----Game doesn’t like it when you hit the ground, or when an enemy appears. EPIVPO-----Starts you in Dorago’s lair, with glitchy graphics and weird sounds. Also, whenever you enter a door, there’s a 90% chance that you’ll end up back where you started origionally. There’s a 10% chance that you’ll end up going into the valley area (you know you’re going there when the screen greys when you enter any door). EPIVPU-----Game sounds/music are very weird, and the game has a nasty habit of switching what items you’ve picked up as well as if your weapon is powered up or not. (ex: Grappling hook becomes the pulley all of a sudden) EGGGPP-----Infinite H.P.? (Unconfirmed, due to the multitude of freezing this code introduces) AAAEPO-----Hyper game, which may freeze alot on you, and can jump multiple times in the air sometimes. Helps if you have a turbo controller for this. AKAEPO-----A medium-paced float right code. Good if you find YNAEPO to be too fast. TOPXLU-----Makes your weapon very short in range when you duck and attack. PPULOI-----Boots enemies horizontaly back away from you when you hit them. AAKSAE-----Invincible to all turtles (they, in return, are invincible to you) EPEKIE-----Another form of EPAKIE, except that you start in a different place, the levels are weird, and you can walk through walls until you die the first time. As far as I can tell, all the normal effects of EPAKIE are kept through this code, so follow a similar procedure to get into the game. ZOEKST-----Title screen is blank. Going to the in-game menu will freeze the game. EPAKST-----After a short amount of time, you become invisible and fall down a slight amount. EPAAIE-----You are apparently deleted from the game. KEELEY-----Enemies rise slightly, then sink down towards bottom {things moving up have a speed increase}. VELOTS-----Go through tops of walls. EETXEV-----Enemies’ point on the map looks normal, but is moved much higher up. ZXZXLU-----Game goes fast when you use weapon and hold a direction OPOEIS-----Always in 4-scroll. AEKAPE-----Deletes most sprites and hyper game (use with other codes) NILLEG-----Disk enemies freeze the game. GETLST-----Rygar adapts to the enemies.....or something like that....gotta toy around with this one some more. LOLPLZ-----Different starting location. As soon as you move, the game locks up. LPLOPO-----Deletes enemies, and changes the tint of the screen when one tries to show up. SPEVPZ-----When you kill an enemy, you get a free attack and assail. The music is screwed up, invisible walls are placed, and you have infinite H.P. (as godly as this code sounds, it’s impossible to beat the game with just this code) STIPOZ-----Deletes enemies AEPGKI-----Can't move, start up in the air, and "shed". After a little while, (I'm guessing) Draco appears very glitched up and shoots at you. The shots go through you, and after you hit the ground you stop sinking. I think that's it (haven't played through this completely yet). YYPPPP-----Enemies speed up at you when you run from them, and slow down as you approach them. Also, going to get the grappling hook and leaving causes an interesting orange colored glitch to appear in the valley level around the bottom-left corner of the screen. Touch it, and you start outside Dorago's lair with the armor! PEOPLE-----Makes ALL enemies drop....bananas? (Includes bosses!) These are worth 3 stars each. YNLTKY-----After a while, your “tone” becomes half of your “last” stat. KEELEY-----Floating/Sinking enemies. Level Codes AGEPLZ-----Deletes the whole level PIEPLZ-----Adds random ground to the level TPSPLZ-----Big hole where normal ground should be/can go into the grey wall and walk in there. OZTKIE-----Start right away in the valley SOTKIZ-----Another deletion of the level code..... STZKIO-----Deletes everything! NOSOTO-----Nothingness for side-scrolling levels. PENOIS-----A transposing error for the first screen of the valley area (possibly other overhead areas). THERE’S A LONG LIST OF THESE! I’ll just list the different variations of the code here: PPAKIY-----Makes all the ground above you. Fall usually unless you use the duck in the air bug. AGEKAG-----Deletes the level. Hold down immediately after hitting start to see anything. Also freezes when you hit start. EIEVPO-----Start in odd locations in the jungle level. Most of the time, the game freezes, but on rare occasions you can play through this a little bit. OEAKIY-----Transposing error for levels. PILEIS-----Level modifier EXNVPX-----This code could be classified as a bunch of things, but I put it here because the level changes are the most notable effect (a close second is the music, or in some cases lack thereof) . As you start the game without using the pause trick, you’ll notice youinstantly get stuck in the ground and hear no music right off the bat. Later on, you notice a weird one tone musical noise. You can move any time you want to, and when you die, you’ll notice you’re all of a sudden in the jungle area. Going to the door behind you puts you in Rosla like usual, but don’t go here, because more times than anything the game doesn’t like you being here with this code on. Now then, WITH the pause trick it gets more interesting. You can end up in one of four possible places. One, you hear just the first level music with no bass to it, which leads to a trap in the middle of the screen. Two, you hear very odd music and you can move to the right through the wall to a weird area (it’s actually about 5 or 6 screens over from the normal starting location of the first level). You are stuck here, unfortunately. Just enjoy the odd music you get while you’re there and reset. The third possibility is an outright freeze of the game when you unpause. Finally, the fourth possibility is you hear the normal music with part of the bass, then the screen shifts up and you hear a changing tone music. The game has teleported you to the caves, for some reason. To explore this area on foot, jump right as the music gets a little higher pitched and you’ll land on the ground when the screen shifts up. You can go wherever you can here, but keep in mind that you don’t have the grappling weapon and the pulley like you’re supposed to at this point in the game. The last thing you can do with this code takes some patience to work. Instead of pausing the game when you start up, then unpausing and exploring, you can continue to hold the game in pause until the music shift, resulting in a sudden black and white screen and odd spirte placement. When this occurs, immediately unpause and try to move to the right. If you want to try and clear the black and white screen, attack. To get a new color pallate, hit start twice. As you work your way over to the right, you’ll notice a wall in front of you, as well as invisible enemies. When you reach the wall, keep jumping until you bounce off of an invisible enemy to boost yourself up onto the top of the ledge. Now quickly move as far as you can to the right before the game either freezes or resets. Also note the VERY odd, not to mention spooky, music that is in the background. Sounds like the game is sending out a cry of torment or something :) Anyways, have fun with the code. In that last part, you can sometimes fall off the screen and end up at Ligar’s castle! AGEPLZ-----Deletes the whole level TPSPLZ-----Big hole where normal ground should be/can go into the grey wall and walk in there. EGAOKK-----Quicksand mode: you and the enemies are constantly pulled down to the bottom of the screen slowly. Jump often to survive. YPPPPT-----Opens a pit under you in each level. Possible to survive if you duck before the screen comes on. Also, the time spent loading each level is *dramatically* slimmed to nothing! EEPOOZ-----Changes the enemies in each area. PISEPS-----Always in the valley area (changes 2-way scrolling levels around vastly. Give it a shot!) and don’t forget to hold down when hitting start at the title screen, or else you’ll fall and miss one of the new areas. This is the weirdest code I’ve ever made. It’s effects all could be described as bizarre, baffling, and wonderful...Above all things, patience is an absolute must have for this code. Technically, I could write a whole faq on just this one code, but that would be quite out of the way (unless I get TONS of E-mails requesting a FAQ for it. Then it’s hardly out of the way).Some things/effects to remember about this code: 1) The code not only screws around with the game severly, it does weird things to the SYSTEM buttons as well, as in the reset button on the NES (thankfully not permanent)! *Reset no longer starts the game over*! It now moves the game along forward, or helps it, anyways. It also acts as an “antifreeze” control now, meaning: if the game locks, hit reset and the game moves along as if nothing happened! Now, reset is like the fixer button! This is possibly the weirdest part of this code, as well as one of the most strangest code effects that I’ve ever seen in a game! 2) The speed of the game increases noticably. 3) Music/SFX speed increases. 4) Graphics get garbled. 5) The game occasionally freezes. Use reset to clear it. 6) Earthquake-type effect is throughout the game, but that’s due to the increase of game speed. 7) Occasionally (and I do mean *occasionally*), if you are hit in an overhead area and die, Rygar may bounce back up after blinking and you regain control, now completely invincible to everything! However, the only drawback to this is that you can’t go in any doors or go to the stats screen. You may restart by falling into a hole and going back to the starting point with normal health. You lose the invincibility, however. 8) Other side effects occur occasionally, such as a sudden stat boost at the start, but the effects listed above are the most common ones seen. Anyways, once the code is imputed, let me tell you how to be best prepared for the madness ahead. You need to be prepared for having quick timing on the start button to prevent lockups, patience, and a desire to see the game turned completely inside-out. Once you’ve prepared for these things, go ahead and hit start, and let the madness commence: 1) When you start the game, expect no title screen. The code completely skips it. If you didn’t get this far and got a weird wavy screen with the Game Genie stuff in the background still, hit power and start again. This also goes with any form of a wavy screen. If you get it, it’s not gonna clear, so hit power. 2) Hit reset. A garbled status screen should display. Hit start quickly to go into a SEVERELY glitched game. If you hear hyper music at this point, or can’t go into the game, hit power and start over, the game has locked for user-imput. 3) If the screen scrolls from left to right, and then goes to the title, with Rygar posing on the screen, on some occasions. You’ve gotten by the first part of it. Take a quick break (if you want to) if you got this far. If not, it’s probably locked up. Hit reset to clear it. If it doesn’t clear after a few reset presses, hit power and start again. Remember that reset is now even more of your friend than it ever was. 4) If you’re ready for more insanity, you can press forward and hit start. The screen will go blank again. Use reset several times to try and get something to appear (this is where you need patience the most). If you got something, keep going with it and don’t hit reset too many times, otherwise you could lose the game completely and have to start over. I can’t say where exactly you appear, because it’s different almost every time. Otherwise, start over again. 5) If you’re in the game and can move, you may or may not die upon gaining control. If you did, it’s actually a good sign that you’ll appear and be normal. If not, keep using reset to get something, or hit power to start over. 6) Well, because of the variety of places and situations that you can be in at this point, I can’t really continue from here. The hardest part is over from here. If the game still gives you a hard time, just use reset a few times to hopefully clear things up. If all else fails, just start over. With this code by itself, most of the time you end up going through the normal game with some/all the effects of the code (if not, you're in a glitched area most likely). Good luck, and happy hunting! Useful Codes NNZKIE-----Enhanced starting power: starts at 255. AEAKAE-----Start with super high stats, but your life is initially nothing. YNAKAE-----Start with GROSSLY high stats (Tone is over 32,000!). Same effects as above, but hey, with 32,000 tone, you can kill anything without too much trouble. OZZEPZ-----You have an invisible number of mind points, and as soon as you use some get all weird on you. You still have a lot, but you may have to struggle with the game still. Also, by jamming on the control pad and the buttons enough you can get the grappling hook, pulley, and crossbow right on the spot in your inventory. Sweet code! NYZEPZ-----Same as OZZEPZ, but the game is much more willing to give you the first three items without having to mash on buttons (ideal if you don’t have a turbo controler and don’t want to give yourself a blister trying to get those items). AAZEZZ-----Infinite mind points (Ideal code to use when beating the game, and as close as I’ve gotten so far to invincibility by recovering whenever you get hit) OZTKIE-----Start right away in the valley AEOPLE-----The proper looking version of the PEOPLE code: stars look like they should, and the effect remains the same. EEPPPP-----Duck while facing right, and float fast to the left (speed is modified by the first two letters). Can get you into some new areas of the game, because you also float through walls, but not enemies. Going to the status screen causes glitched graphics until you leave the current area. This code gets you to cool new areas if you float where you aren't supposed to be, and is the only way to get to one of the EPAKIE + PISEPS levels, plus some other glitched areas. Experiment for yourself with this one! (you can get to these new areas by floating through walls when in boss rooms, plus whatever other walls you want to. It helps to have the grappling weapon during this) YNAEPO-----The above code’s cousin, except you float right instead of left. PILOTS-----Defy gravity......too well. Can’t jump, but can’t fall either. Multi-Part Codes PISEPS+EPAKIE-----Causes a similar effect as with EPAKIE, but much more interesting. To navigate through it, use the same technique that you would with EPAKIE to get to a point where your character shows up on the Screen. The levels are all new here, and there’s LOTS of them. I’m still getting new levels now that are rarer than the ones you usually get (which is usually one 2 scrolling bright orange level, and a sprite-infested 4 scrolling level). Also, the music is usually the music heard after beating the game (although I’ve gotten different music for the rare levels). Try this thing out! EEPPPP/YNAEPO + PISEPS-----The floating codes (use only one of them) help you navigate through the PISEPS glitchy horizontal levels much better. In fact, you can’t go through the levels without them. EPAOKK + PILOTS-----The quicksand code with the defy gravity code allows verical movement for the PILOTS code, though it's slower than death unless you have a turbo controller (you have to pound on jump to go anywhere). On 4-way scrolling levels, invisible walls keep appearing in front of you from time to time, and movement is generally VERY stiff and picky. They're pains to get around, but it's navigatable. Also allows for walking over places you'd normally fall in by moving either left or right across them! (water, holes, sky depending on where you are) YPPPPT+EGAOKK+PILOTS-----This code puts a pit under you still, but you can safely move on since PILOTS ignores holes, and EGAOKK lets you jump as much as you want to, and actually move. Very cool if you can get to Draco's lair (possible to do, despite it looking bad when you get to the valley. You're not really stuck on the top area), where you can wander freely in "wall land". It turns out that this area is also linked to the last overhead level in the game, interestingly enough (dying intentionally around here by falling, which is tough to do with PILOTS, but possible, still puts you in Dorago's lair). YYPPPP+OZZEPZ-----The kickstart codes. Get the first three items to go basically anywhere, and use the armor glitch to get that item, too! Very cool, and saves you time! NOSOTO+OZTKIE-----Sweet code! Run into some walls, and you hear a bang noise and your character is teleported! Also messes up the overhead levels. Some enemies out of place, and side-scrolling levels are unnavigatable, due to the fact that there is no ground in them. Using PILOTS in conjunction gets you to some more new areas, but you can get stuck sometimes. YNAEPO+PILOTS+TSTKIZ-----Makes the switch to movement types no problem. Simply float right, then move into the ground when you switch. You now can move anywhere you want to, including through walls and off the screen! Very cool! EPOZXL+EEEEPP/YNAEPO-----Explore the glitched area that EPOZXL creates better, but only to a slight extent. It’s still very frustrating when the game resets on you every so often. This code will make the game beatable in as little as 5 minutes if you do this right. I’ll provide how to beat the game with a small guide (it’s needed because of all the random invisible sprites and holes SPEVPZ introduces) 1. Float through the first level. You have to float, otherwise you hit an invisible wall near the door. 2. Get on the first wood pole in the second level and float to the door to the valley. 3. The valley can be a P.I.T.A. with all the new invisible walls/holes that are placed, so watch out for any oddly colored areas, places where enemies dive down suddenly, etc, etc. From the start, go to the doorway that eventually leads to where you get the pulley item. 4. This is important. Upon entering this area, IMMEDIATELY duck to the right. There is a hole underneath where you start, and you will get stuck if you fall in it. Continue moving to the right towards the jungle area. 5. Treat this similiar to the other levels: just duck and float right until you get to the boss area. 6. When you get to the first boss, you can opt to kill it on your way to the next one. It only takes about 2 hits to do. From this area, float right through the boss areas until you get to Ligar. Stop floating, land, and beat the crap outta him. 7. Congrats, you just beat the game! Enjoy your ending and the satisfaction that you beat it in less than 5 minutes :) Other People's Codes KAPGUN-----Disables start screen PIAPZX-----Stuck in the ground OZNANS-----The graphic scrambler in menu pause-unpause POPEIS-----Start game by "dropping down" PENPEN-----If you duck, the game will freeze AKAAGE-----Freeze game at title screen PPIZZA-----You cannot duck and attack at the same time and marks the pillars KAGEOZ-----Adds new color to the game (mostly green) LITEOZ-----Start in a very weird location and graphic change PIKEAG-----Start game normally push start and the screen turns a bunch of different colors, then severe graphic change LIKEAS-----Start game normally, then turn and face left and attack standing up and your head is scrambled EKGPIZ-----Start normally and try to run and you will encounter an invisible wall and you will be able to jump over this and not be able to get past the first area PIZOZE-----At title screen, you will find a section of Rygar has been moved to the bottom SAGEGI-----Start normally and standing, facing left, attack and Rygar has a glitched leg ZITEOZ-----Instant freeze YITEOZ-----Try to run and you fall over dead IITEOZ-----Cannot run to the right EATEOZ-----Opposite of above EPTEOZ-----Auto freeze XZTEOZ-----Move to the right and you attack AGEPIS-----Stuck in ground AGEOZE-----Dotted background PIZAZE-----Insta freeze at title screen PIKAKP-----Insta freeze at beginning of game PIEKAG-----Start in the matrix effect level showing similarities to title screen GOATIE-----Insta freeze PAGEKI-----Insta freeze YNEAOZ-----Color change (mostly gray) KIZOZE-----Section is missing from title YNZOZE-----White square in the 'R' in the title screen OPKAIE-----Freeze in the beginning of the game with noise PPZAZO-----Blinking sun IKAEOZ-----Weird graphics. Partially able to stay in the air longer than usual if you attack GPAEOZ-----At title screen, it at first seems normal, but when you push start it turns gold and pine green and freezes YNAEZA-----Graphic scrambling freezer AGIEZA-----A turbo screen splitter at the title screen push start and it freezes PIZOEZ-----The title screen and start menu is gray YNAEAZ-----Duck and your face will turn demented PASEPS-----Start in the ground away from beginning of game PNSAPS-----Start at different point in game OZZAOZ-----All gold title screen; gold game over PISEOZ-----Title screen is black and level is silver color modifier by pushing start and then start again PISESZ-----White background with blue Rygar; level is color modified PIKAGE-----Turbo and blinking sun also freezes PIAEPS-----Air walk ability PENOZE-----Drop down diagonally PILATE-----You start by jumping and every button you push makes you go higher until you die YNAAGE-----Messed up title TOPOOZ-----Fall through ground until death PEGLEG-----In game push start and the 'E's are missing parts YNAEEZ-----Teal and Gray background EPPOOZ-----Deletes enemies from game; cannot go through door to next level TOPOOK-----Screws up level PIKAOZ-----A green title screen modifier PAKAGE-----Can't jump, eventually sink to be sunk into the ground to run to your death at the edge of the hole PEGAIE-----Enemies invisible and graphic scrambler KOPAIE-----You are invisible, but can see your weapon. Can be glitchy KEPEPS-----You start in the middle of the white thing TAPEPS-----Makes a hole in red at start of game. You can go in this hole, because it has a bottom ZIPEPS-----Puts small pillar at start of game, can walk through it. Invisible health GTPEPS-----Makes a hole you fall through AIPEPS-----Puts a wall in front of you and health is invisible PIZEPS-----No enemies. You're invisible. Can't go through doors. Glitchy PKIAGP-----Pushing start will dull the sharp colors until you attack, then it gets bright SITOOZ-----Disables enemies OZNENS-----Title screen screwy and turtle behavior messed up YKOTZE-----Random invisible glitchy start ZAPEPS-----Adds different ground ZIPEPS-----Adds different grounding SOAZLE-----Cannot duck and attack SOZPLE-----Turns title screen a red and white LOAPLE-----The 'N' in Nintendo is weird OZYKIE-----Graphic scrambler AKGOOZ-----No enemies in valley. Text scrambler YNAENP-----No rolling enemies YNAENZ-----Color scrambler VILATE-----Hyper game, weird effects PIZZAE-----Cannot land OZPEGS-----Freeze game POTTIE-----Screws with music AKIPEG-----Deletes ropes and turns game hyper AGEPPP-----Kills you YNAEXL-----Cuts out sun and moves it right a little bit APPLES-----Attack and the game freezes KEYAGE-----Cannot get close to enemies or guru guy TVITTZ-----Turbo code KEITTZ-----Turbo code KEZTTZ-----Cannot beat game PASTTZ-----After you die, you go to the jungle area with a freeze Combination Codes from 2 Different Authors The name may be confusing, but basically it works like this: if a multi-part code is found, and two different coders helped make it, it's put here with credit given to each author for each code part found (example: if Billy-Bob-Joe makes the quicksand code, and I added on the PILOTS code to make a multi-part, it'd look kind of like this: EGAOKK (Billy-Bob-Joe)+ PILOTS (me)-----(whatever the code effect is) No matter how it may look, credit will be given properly. Now for the codes: LITEOZ (Greg)+OZZEPZ (Me)+PILOTS (Me)-----Ok, you should know what LITEOZ does by now (if you don’t, stop reading here and look at that code under Greg’s section), so you know that the codes here should help you navigate through this big mess. You still die instantly if you go into Ligar’s chamber, but when you get into the valley, you can run around knowing there’s not as big a chance of you dying from one of those “invisible holes” that LITEOZ introduces. OZZEPZ just helps live longer as well as get the first three items, which also help in maneuverabliity.