Here are the few people who helped me building this shrine... Or tried to help me. Some of them had trouble
telling the difference between a hammer and a bolt.
- Feena, webmistress of the
Grandia II sanctuary:
she let me use her information about the Japanese cast.
- Game Arts: they created this game, obviously, and
answered my question about the original cast.
- Brendan McAndrew: he sent me additional information about the arm wrestling mini game, such as a
method to beat Hemble.
- H. Chen: I used his (or her) walkthrough to check the information I had gathered about the
treasures found in various places.
- Melfice from the Agear Inn,
an English and Spanish page. If you like fanfiction and/or fanart, take a look at his site (thanks to
a friend of mine for this one :).
- Phaq and Lunar Eclipse: they allowed me to use their Grandia II Item Guide.
- All the following people from RPGC (in no particular order):
Cidolfas, RoguePaladinTrian, Gila-Monster, Neb and Dragon God.
I annoyed them with so many questions. :P
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