Anime Information Chibimoon, or Chibi-Usa, is the daughter of Usagi Tsukino. In Sailor Moon R, she travels to the present from the future to get the Ginzuishou from her mother-to-be, but is taken by Wise Man and brainwashed to become Black Lady. In the later seasons, she is a Senshi in training and has too much confidence in her abilities for her own good. Strengths Chibimoon is the fastest Senshi which makes her a great healer. She doesn't have any techniques that provide healing, so it is best to put her in the back somewhere and have her use link techs for healing or items. When she becomes Super Chibimoon is when she becomes more of an offensive Senshi. Weaknesses Chibimoon is relatively weak and won't be much use to you as an offensive Senshi. Even as Super Chibimoon, her attacks aren't nearly as strong as all of the other Senshi. |