Enriku/Izumo | Attaro/Miwa
| Kashima/Shimono |
Izumo2/Kakogen | Hinokami/Pyramid |
Underworld | Final Battle | The
Nothing special here, just the usual suspects and more of those plants that pop
out of the ground without warning. |
Use Makiri to fly over the pits, it's much easier. Just watch out again for
those fiery flying things. After the pits there's an archer dude shooting
arrows at you. At the end you'll reach Kashima Temple. |
Inside the temple, you'll run into this guy that wants to awaken the Serpent
God or something. Basically, he wants to kill you.
Boss Battle: Kashima Fire Boss
This is the first boss that can be tough. He'll fly straight down across the
screen, then come up again from the bottom, somewhere else. At the same time he
shoots 5 fireballs out, be sure to stay far away and dodge the fireballs. It's
best to use the Hatten spell and shoot it whenever you get a chance, or use
Kannon if you're really lazy. |
After you kill the boss, he'll leave behind a sword on the ground. LOOK at the
sword twice then TAKE the Sword of Seven Branches. MOVE to Summit Temple.
Daikak tells you that the Iwato are after the real Sword of Kusanagi in the
Underwater Shrine. MOVE to Shimono-Seki, but Daikak takes the Charm, and the
Sword of Seven Branches first.
At Shimono, LOOK at the pier(TERRAIN) twice, and a girl appears. LOOK at the
girl, she gets in the boat, and a whirlpool appears. CAST Hatten to cause a
tornado to catch the girl, the boat is destroyed. CAST Makiri to fly out and
rescue her. She still doesn't look well, so CAST Kannon to rid her of the evil
spirits that possess her. TALK to her twice. TALK one more time, and she'll
introduce herself as Midori, and that her grampa can answer your questions.
MOVE to Midori's house. |
At Midori's house, Grampa mentions that there have been a lot of disasters at
sea, caused by evil spirits, but he lends you their boat. He wants you to
avenge his son's death. If you LOOK at Grampa's plate and then TAKE the food,
you can fully restore your strength. You'll have a choice of seaweed, fried egg
or sushi, it doesn't matter what you choose. When you are done, MOVE to the
Back at the pier, LOOK at the boathouse, then TALK to Midori. Now go inside the
boathouse, look around, then go back to Midori's house. TALK to Grampa and
he'll tell you about the X-Ray glasses inside the boathouse. Return to the
boathouse and TAKE the X-Ray glasses. It's not necessary to get these, in fact
I never use them. Now MOVE to the sea. |
The sea is 5x5 square of adventure screens. You can MOVE front, back, left or
right. You can LOOK at your PRESENT LOCATION to see where you are. You can use
the X-Ray glasses to look underwater to see if there's treasure or something,
but it's just as easy to jump in the water and see for yourself. If a screen
has an evil spirit, you can't move forward. In fact you can't do anything
except move elsewhere, if you try anything else, the spirit will attack. You
need to use the Lute to destroy them. You don't really have to kill any
spirits, but you do if you want the treasure. You also need to use the Lute to
get by the strong waves.
Lute - see below.
Vajira - USE the Lute on the spirits, then jump in the ocean.
- USE the Lute on the spirits, then jump in the ocean.
Bracers - see below.
Whirlpool - see below.
When you jump in the water here, you'll see a monk floating around playing a
lute. He doesn't attack you, but if you wait too long, you'll lose strength.
CAST Kannon, to put the spirit to rest. Then the chest opens and you can get
the Lute. |
If you jump in the ocean here, you encounter a giant fish. The fish will spit
out smaller fishes. You need to shoot it when its mouth is open, when you do it
charges at you. You can just stand in the corner and keep shooting, you'll get
hit a few times, but the fish will die quickly. The chest will then open and
you can take the Bracers.
Once you've got all the treasure, use the Lute to get by one of the screens
with the strong waves, then move into this screen with the whirlpool. USE the
Lute. When you do, the Lute will break open and you find beads inside. USE the
Beads to stop the whirlpool. Now you can jump in the ocean to reach the
Underwater Shrine. |
On the first screen, jump into the first hole, otherwise the screen will keep
repeating itself. Watch out for the crabs that fly down the screen. In the next
section, be sure to shoot those big fish as soon as possible, they drop egg
pouches that hatch and fish jump out at you. You can only cross the pits when
the water is thin. |
Avoid the fireballs that shoot out of the statues mouth. Some pirate-like bad
guys will appear and throw swords at you. At the end, you'll enter the
Underwater Shrine. |
In the shrine, you'll find two blue-faced people. TALK to them, then CAST
Kannon to let their souls rest. LOOK at the sword, then TAKE the real Sword of
Kusanagi. When you do this the fake sword shatters. Return to the boat.
Back on the surface, you'll find yourself surrounded by the Iwato family.
They'll attack first, then you can USE the Sword of Kusanagi to defeat them
all. You'll then return to Summit Temple. Daikak will tell you that the Iwato
are trying to revive the Serpent God at Izumo. MOVE to Izumo, then MOVE to
Izumo Temple. |
Next Page - Izumo2/Kakogen
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