Enriku/Izumo | Attaro/Miwa
| Kashima/Shimono |
Izumo2/Kakogen | Hinokami/Pyramid
| Underworld | Final
Battle | The Ending
Mt. Hinokami
This is probably the hardest part of the game, you will die often. About half
way through the first screen, you will need to use Makiri. The enemies
with 4 balls can only be killed with a powered up shot. So hold the fire button
as you fly to build up power to kill them and the flying dragons. Stop at the
last pedestal here to let Makiri wear off, then cast it again. If you get hit
while flying, try to cast Makiri as fast as you can before you fall into the
fiery depths. You should be able to hold the Makiri spell until the end of the
level. It will take some trial and error to find the best place to position
yourself while flying.
When you reach the end, the demon Kezeus will appear and explain how they used
magic powers to control Daikok to lure you here, now prepare to die...did you
expect any different?.
Boss Battle: Kezeus
Kezeus flies back and forth across the screen, stopping to shoot lightning
periodically. You need to hit it in the mouth when it's open, right before he
fires. Just stand on the edge of the screen, and duck if he flies over you. |
Once you defeat Kezeus, Daikok will appear wearing special armor. He also seems
pretty keen on killing you.
Boss Battle: Daikok
This can be a rather difficult battle. Laser beams are dropping on your head,
as well as Daikok firing beams from his eyes. You need to jump and hit Daikok in
the eye when it's open. The easiest thing to do is stand still and cast Hatten,
if you time it right, you'll hit the open eye with every shot. |
After the battle, you will see an armor bracer left behind. LOOK at it twice,
then TAKE the Armor Bracers. MOVE to Kumano and USE the Armor Bracers. Utsuho
will tell you to go the Ameno Spacecraft, so MOVE to Kakogen.
When you get back to the spacecraft, USE the Armor Bracers. The Ameno
Spacecraft will power up, and tell you the story of how the people sent the
evil demon away to another planet, and trapped it inside a pyramid. Now you
must go and stop it before it regains power. The spacecraft will transport you
to the Pyramid at Mt. Minokami, and increase your strength. |
You'll start at the north side of the Pyramid. MOVE to the east side, then CAST
Fudo to burn away the grass. MOVE INSIDE the now visible entrance. Inside, move
all the way to the right and pick up the Pyramid Point. Go back outside.
When you get back outside, CAST Makiri to fly to the top of the Pyramid. USE
the Pyramid Point to place it back on top. CAST Makiri again to descend on the
north side of the Pyramid. Now MOVE to the east side, then the south side. A
new doorway has now been opened. MOVE INSIDE. |
Inside the Pyramid is a large confusing maze. I only show the screens necessary
to get through. Follow the numbered doors in order to get through. The blue
balls indicate areas that contain big blue strength refill balls. Take the
first stairs up and fight the mini boss. Just keep moving away from it and jump
and shoot it. Once it's destroyed, the War Hammer will appear. You need the War
Hammer to destroy the blocks that have the design on them. Go back downstairs
and continue to the right. Destroy the blocks and enter the second door here.
Unless you need to refill your strength, just move right to door number 2. If
you go down the stairs and move left, it will repeat endlessly. The guys with
axes take a few hits to kill. The flying snake ball things are a pain, you have
to hit them in the head, then they fly straight at you and you can hit them
You'll want to move to the right and jump up and smash the blocks to get
the Leg Armor. It can be tricky, so may be easier to use Makiri. At the Buddha
statue, jump up to get the Trident on the right side. Up the stairs, there's a
mini-boss with an eye ball on a tentacle, just duck the lasers and shoot the
eye when you get a chance. Now go in door number 3
Head to the right if you want to refill your strength, then go left
and get the Body Armor. Keep going left to door number 4.
Move to the right, you'll fight a goat mini-boss. It just runs back and forth
really fast, just keep shooting it. Go in door number 5.
There's no point in going to the end of this screen, there's nothing there but
possible death. Just go in the next door, number 6. The blue ball area in
the other door is the same as the previous screen, but the ball WILL
be there again if you go back.
Just go straight to the right and up the stairs to meet the Demon.
The Demon will summon Regina, who attacks you. TALK to her 4 times, you slowly
convince her that she is possessed and she'll stop fighting you. The Demon will
then fight you.
Boss Battle: Demon
The Demon is riding an ant-like creature that sticks its tongue out at you, so
stay to the left side of the screen. The Demon also shoots some kind of fire
ball stars at you at the same time. Try to avoid them and jump up to shoot the
Demon. You can hit it anywhere and anytime, it doesn't matter. |
After you defeat the Demon, it frees the Dark Lord and the pyramid begins to
collapse. You grab Regina and head back to the spaceship, which takes you back
to Summit Temple. Daikak tells you to go to the Underworld and speak to
Izanami. You will then automatically be taken to the spaceship and transported
to the Underworld.
Next Page - Underworld
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