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The Final Battle (as thief)

Head to the left set of pillars in front of the palace and sneak as close as you possible can to the leftmost one. Use the Magic Rope to climb up to the paraper, then get off just as the Eunuch guard passes while walking to the right. Head into the left exit.

Lucky're in the Harem! Of course, there's no time for a guy to have any fun...after a few close calls with the Eunuchs, you'll be told how to escape.

You have to make your way through the next room without being seen. When the Eunuch is called, go down. Wait until the Eunuch at the northern end is off the screen, then head up. Once again, wait until the Eunuch is off the screen, then head up again.

You're now on a balcony. Ad Avis's ritual chamber is on the other side, and to make things even harder, it's a good ten-story drop to the street below. Use the magic rope to extend it like a tightrope between the two sides. You have to reach the other side w/o falling to your grisly end. Carefully make your way over. When you reach the pillar on the other side, the magic rope will disappear, having been all used up.

You can't get inside the ritual chamber, due to a magical barrier that keeps any living thing from entering. Throw a dagger at an unlit candle to knock it away from the rest of the seal. Ad Avis is PISSED now, so duck! You'll barely dodge a Flame Dart. Now keep moving along the edge of the balcony, being sure to duck every few steps to keep from being blasted off. Eventually, you'll reach the next pillar. Duck under another blast, then throw a dagger at Ad Avis. He'll be knocked back, but otherwise unharmed. Throw another dagger to give him that last push over the edge.

Now continue with the walkthrough from after Ad Avis is defeated.