Cablon's Castle
This is where it all comes to an end. You must have Alis to reach the castle. Just climb the castle and kill Cablon (you need the Kura Bracelet from the Gypsies to do this).
Things of Interest
1. Ceramic Shield |
2. Patriot Ring |
3. Cure |
4. Draconia Armor |
5. Dimate |
6. Trimate |
7. Net |
8. Battle Ax |
9. Trimate |
10. Spirit |
11. Monomate |
12. Raise |
13. Cablon |
Enemies in Castle
1F-2F: RDragon, FrDragon, Charmer, WDragon
3F-4F: Reaper, Skeleton, QMedusa, Octopus, Hydra, Cablon (boss)

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