Ghouls and Ghosts
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Now that we got the Bot, try it out a little. Fly around the World Map as you please and get to know where everything is. Bigbot can land in forests, light green grass and deserts, but nothing else.
When you are ready to head to Ghoulland, fly to where Sea Town is and then fly just a little southeast. If you see what appears to be an island containing 8 stone statues surrounding a staircase leading down, you've found it. Land in the stones and head down the stairs. |
Once inside Ghoulland, weave your way north through the mess of dilapidated buildings. When you reach the 3 bridges, take the left one to a flight of stairs leading down. From there, head to the bottomleft corner of the room to see a staircase leading even further down. That's our destination. |
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To reach those stairs, simply head to the right until the path branches; at that point, take the left path. Easy! After heading down those stairs, travel through the VERY straightforward path to another set of stairs and a treasure chest! |
The Ultimate Scroll inside the treasure chest tells us that to defeat Nargi, we will need to obtain a special weapon known as the Feather Sword. It can be found in Horizon Gate, way back near the beginning of the game. |
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