Walkthrough (part 1)
From Clef, go south to the Elel Woods. There will be a save point up and to the right. Use it, then approach the bush. An Elel will tell you to go between the pink and orange flowers. Go further into the forest. Go into the tree between the two flowers (center tree). Retrieve the treasure box behind the grove encasing the pond (which, by the way, will heal you if approached). Head back to Clef. Use Hikaru's new magic, FireShot, to end the battle with Alcione in one move. | |
Go into the town you landed near. You can't buy anything yet, but do use the yellow save point by the well to restore your characters. Exit the town and head east (crossing one bridge), and climb the hill you find. For battles, use Hikaru's magic for now, as physical attacks will do negligible damage for the most part. Enter Presea's house on the hill. When you're done in there, head immediately east and into the Forest of Silence | |
Need-to-know: you can't use magic in the forest. Once you've entered the forest, head north to open a chest for some LifeCubes, then west to the save point. Use it, then attack the monster. Beat it, use the savepoint, then head back to meet up with another flower. Someone named Ferio will rush onto the scene and "save" you. Head south and follow the path around until you fight more flowers. | |
Moving on, you run into Alcione. Let her total first Umi and then Hikaru. Umi's magic awakens, and all three Magic Knights fight against Alcione. To win the fight, have Hikaru and Umi use their spells (Hikaru should be at level 8 and have the FireRobe spell) on Alcione while Fuu uses LifeCubes to heal everyone. If Alcione hits everyone with a spell, have everyone use a LifeCube. Once the battle's over, Fuu's magic awakens and you exit the Forest. Camp, save, and head west into the Spring of Eterna. | |
Walk up to the spring. You eventually get to choose which character to do first. I recommend doing Hikaru, Umi, and lastly Fuu's section, as with Fuu you'll need the most items and such. Hikaru: You need to touch the ovals with one large white spot and one smaller white spot set in the lower right. Doing so makes the oval disappear. Move forward, open chests, use the blue recovery point. Beat up Hikari at the end (a few spells will do it), and that's it. |
Umi: Do the same thing, and don't hesitate to use the Sea Wave spell to take out groups of enemies. Open chests, use the recovery point. Reach the end and use Sea Wave a couple times to end the mini-boss fight. Fuu: Same story. Use a spell or two to take out your clone at the end. Once all three scenarios are complete, you end up outside. Presea dances, you get new weapons, and your armor is revealed to be upgraded too. |
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