Updates: 12/16/02 - Went through the shrine and fixed some spelling errors. Spiffed up the tables, too. A Downloads pages is in the works, as is (hopefully) a world map. 7/7/02 - Done. 5/?/02 - Refinements, the enemies page. 4/25/02 - Every section should be up with at least a little bit of info. Left to do: find miscellaneous gifs, finish the last 15 minutes of the walkthrough, a bit on the locations, the basics page, then do the hacking, gif-collecting, and then creation for the Enemies section. 4/13/02 - Did some stuff (walkthrough, locations, magic) just in case Cid ever checks. Might put more stuff up tonight. 3/24/02 - Barebones stuff brought online to refine the way information will be htmlized. Most pages won't be up. Created and Maintained by: Magic Knight Rayearth © 1995 TOMY