Technique Dungeon Map
Each letter represents a passage; each passage has a single treasure chest. VoiceHeart will attack you each time you enter any passage unless you already beat the final battle with him (in the final room). If a letter is in front of a rock, you can break the rock with a specific technique. If you didn't break the rock, you can still enter from the other side of the passage, but you won't be able to go all the way through.
Passage | Technique | Treasure |
1st -> 2nd Screen |
A | Sengazanken | Dynamite |
B | OldFoxDance | MiniGoddess |
C | ShimarisuLeg | TsukeDown |
D | MonkeyFist | GoldenGodPin |
E | LeagueLeg | CharioBoots |
F | LionHand | IceHelm |
G | Ryuuhawan | Akimi |
2nd -> 3rd Screen |
H | Ryuuhawan | KachinkoCase |
I | Sengazanken | Akimi |
J | OldFoxDance | MermaidBottm |
K | ShimarisuLeg | MiniGoddess |
L | LionHand | AmonBlood |
M | MonkeyFist | BaalBlood |
N | LeagueLeg | MariaVeil |
3rd Screen |
O | OldFoxDance | MasterNunchk |