The Dark Crystals
Now, go back to Rodetia (the King doesn't give you anything, so don't
bother visiting), jump into your boat, and follow the shore east and
north until you get to Mynelt enter the town. Talk to the people to
find that their mines are full of enemies. Head to the weapons shop to
buy a Crystal for your Mage/Priest/Bishop/Shaman. When you're ready, talk to the elder, accept the job, and head north to the mine.
For starters, head around the curve, north all the way to the top, go
east and down the stairs. In this room (remember this spot), go down
the right hall to a chest containing a Crystal , which is good to sell. Head back to that spot you remembered (you remember right?) |
time, go down the left hall, avoiding the first staircase (it only
leads to dead ends) and go around to the north, and go down the
staircase on the right. From here, follow the very linear path to an
apparently dead end. Enter the door in the middle, heal up and talk to
the monster to start a battle.
When you defeat him, Turn out of there and head back to town. Talk to
the Mayor and he tells you that he can't pay you for now, so go talk to
the Bandana guy; he stole the Sun Statue and some weapons that he
stashed in a cave southwest of Rodetia. He also tells you that you can
have it all! |
Fly to
Rodetia, and sail west along the coast until you see some islands. On
one island there's a house with a man that refuses to talk to you; on
the other is the fabled town of Boulder. Ignore both of them for now
(unless you need to heal) and keep on going west along the coast until
you see a cave (to the west is the Full Moon Tower) enter and get ready
for an easy cave with a big bounty.
Anyways, go east and down the stairs, and around the curve to grab a Flame .
Now, go down the stairs that you haven't been down; and around the
curve (avoid the first two halls) for the Turning spell. Go back around
the curve north all the way and go east for an Ideia.
Now, (I know it's confusing) go back east and south into the little
hall and down the stairs (the one you haven't been down yet). |
Go north up the left hall, and up to a Theif .
Go back to the beginning of this room, and head up the right hall this
time; go through the middle hall to get an Elixir. Now, go north and
down the stairs. Grab the Blizzard , and head back up the stairs.
Now, go down the closest set of stairs for a Dragon on the upper path and you can get the Sun
on the lower path. Almost done, just one more stop. Exit this room and
go north, (to the place you got the Theif Bow at), but go east and down
the stairs. Follow the path around and grab the Crystal .
Turn out of here, and Fly to Rodetia and heal. Sell all your stuff,
sail to Boulder and talk to all the people to learn that food is no
longer coming in from Rodetia. Also, pick up Field for your Priest.
Now, Fly to Dolgis to continue
the story. |
Once here, enter the building in the northern part of town and use the Sun while in between the three pedestals. The lake outside will dry up, and you can enter it to get the Guidance .
Fly to Rodetia and do the job at the guild. When you're done, you'll
learn that the Elder in Boulder wears a badge similar to an Emblem...
hmmm.... let's go check it out.
Head to Boulder and talk to the "mage" looking guy in the northern
part of town, he thanks you for the food but tells you to come
back later. Anyways, talk to the elder (he lives in the only house
here) any he says he doens't have any badge. Well, let's give up our
quest, then... Just kidding, enter Boulder at night, talk to the Elder
again to get the Fear . |
time for a little coup d' tat. Fly to Ryuita and talk to the people to
learn that the Prince has imprisioned the King and his (the Prince)'s
brother! Let's go rescue them! Go to the King's castle on the right,
and talk to the guard at the back on the left. He guards the jail, but
he works for Adan; he tells you that he rests at night, though.
Enter at night and sneak into the dungeon. Open the door of the cell,
and let the King and Prince out. When you try to leave, you are
attacked by two Ryuita Knights! When you've defeated them, go into the
throne room and talk to the Prince, he tells you that Mara has
successfully deciphered the Ancient Book. Head to the guild to finish
the job. |
Ideia has mind-control poison, eh? Let's go rescue Adan and defeat
Aless! Enter the Prince's castle (you remember how, right?) and enter
the room on the left. Go towords the exit, and you'll overhear part of
a converstion. Something about a potion, antidote, Michenu and
Faltesis. Now, fly to Ruval; and do the Nurse job there (there might be
another job you haven't done yet, so do it first). While you're
waiting, take everyone out of your party except for your main
character, and just save continuosly at the the Inn, it only 4g for one.
Once you're done there, Fly to Emrond. When you get there, talk to the
people to learn that a strange woman went to Sarvant, waved her staff
and, apparently, made the old city, Carlint, come right out of the
ground! Anyways, head northeast to the place where Sarvant was, and
enter Carlint. |
Head to the weapons shop and pick up a Crystal for your knight, and a Crystal for
your fighter. When you're ready, head back to Emrond, and sail
south along the coast until you see a tower: Emrond Tower. Hopefully,
Michenu will be here. Note: Be very careful of the Caverolls, they can
kill you in in a flash. If you have trouble with this one, clear out a
floor, Turn, heal and come back, it's easy to get to the higher floors.
Go up the left path for a Earth , and a Light in the middle. Go down the right path for a Dragon ,
and head up the middle stairs to F2. Head up the left path for the
Blast spell; go down the right path down to the bottom, you'll see two
stairs. Avoid them, and head up the left side and grab the Light . Now, go back to the stairs you came in from and go up the stairs nearby.
Go down either side to the stairs, and go up to 3F. Go left up to the top, down the stairs and nab the Crystal . Now, go back, around the right side down the stairs, and grab the Flame . Now, go back and down to the bottom, and up the stairs to 4F.
Here, before you enter the room, heal your characters, and talk to the
woman on the throne. It's Michenu! Time to take her down! After you
kill her, talk to her to get the Michenu . Turn out of here, and Fly to Ryuita. |
the next section of this guide, we will (hopefully) take down Ideia,
it's 400-year-old leader, Aless, and save this world from the Chaos
that has overcome it. |