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Part 13

Mile to Tonoe

After resting up, head Northeast a bit from Mile
to the town of Zema. This is the town Birth Valley
is located in.
Once in Zema, Chaz will notice that everybody has
been turned to stone. There are 2 children in a house
basement unharmed. Enter Birth Valley. Monsters
are similar to the Basement. At the 2nd level, take
a right at the fork to recieve a Carbon Suit. Give
it to Hahn.
Check out this guy and Hahn will reconize him as
Professor Holt, turned to Stone. Alys mentions that
it is an ancient curse. She then mentions Alshline,
which can turn Stone to flesh. She remembers
hearing about it being in a Motavian Town called
Molcum. Alys then says she will go, if Hahn pays
her 500 Meseta.
Travel Southeast from Zema and Molcum is not
too far away. Once inside, you will notice that it has
been burnt down to the ground. Talk to the man
standing alone in white.
Alys instantly reconizes him as Rune, a friend from
the past. And instantly, Rune starts to tease Chaz.
Rune says that this is all Zio's work. Wondering
where the Alshline is, Rune says to go to Tonoe, and
offers to Join. Tonoe is north of Krup. Hahn is a
little uneasy about going to Krup, but lets stop in
anyway. Put Rune in the lead of the party.
Just to the east of Molcum is Krup.
In one of the houses, you will see a romantic scene,
involving Hahn and his fiancee, Saya. Also in town,
is Hahn's parents. They run the Armor shop, and
live in behind it. There is nothing else much here.
By now, Alys might know Zan. If not, under Macro
'C', put: Rune - Hewn, and Hahn - Wat. This will
make the Combination Spell, Blizzard. Put Chaz and
Alys as Attack. Rest up and go north to the cave.
This is where Rune shows his powers. He uses
something called Flaeli to bust open the pathway to
Tonoe. Hahn and Chaz are amazed. Rune says that
this is what you call true Magic. Either way, enter the
Valley Maze. It really isn't much of a maze. Just
go up. Whichever way leads to a dead end, just go
the other way. If monsters get too tough, use
Blizzard, or have Rune use Gra.
This is Tonoe. Shops are hidden within the stands
at the eastern part of town. Rest up and buy Alys
a Titanium Mail, and 2 Titanium Slashers, Chaz a
Titanium Mail, a Titanium Sword, and a Titanium
Helmet. Remove Rune of all equipment. Give Hahn
the Circlet and buy him 2 Titanium Daggers. If you
do not have enough money, go out and fight. Sell
the White Mantle, but keep the Wood Cane. When
used in battle, it acts as Res.
When you get everything, go to the middle right tent
and talk to Grandfather Dorin in the chair. Ask
about the measurements of Alys Bragwin and you
will see a funny scene. Rune says that he has come
for an item in the care of Dorin, and that the rest
are looking for Alshline. Grandfather Dorin says that
it is in the Basement, but it is dangerous, so he tells
Gryz to go with the party. Talk to Pana (his
sister) and she will tell you about what happened in
Molcum. Rune leaves, so put Gryz in the lead.
Equipment: Titanium Helmet, Titanium Axe, Titanium Mail
Leather Crown, Titanium Slasher (2x), T. Mail
Titanium Helmet, Titanium Sword, Titan. Mail
Circlet, Titanium Dagger (2x), Carbon Suit