Observation Tower
To simplify the explanation just a little, I have incorporated a map system.

This is a map of the next section. The path to the boss is marked in yellow. Follow that path if you want to just beat the boss. To get all of the extra items along the way, take the lavender path. The gray areas are hidden rooms. You must strike the wall with your whip to access them. The red dots are Heart Max upgrades. The orange items are Health Max upgrades. The light blue items are Magic Max upgrades. You can only get the upgrades that have lavender lines going to them. The other ones you will need more Magic Items to get to. The red squares are save points. Always save your game at a save point. Not only can you save your game but you can also replenish 100% of your health and magic. Be aware that I will not tell you to level up. It will be your responsibility to do so. I will also not remind you to go back and grab any extra items that you may have missed. You can stray from this guide at any time to get extra items you missed.

This one is only difficult because the monsters are tough. Inside the first room, make your way to the room on the right. Head through this room, up through the ceiling and to the left to grab the extra item. Now, head back to the first room. Grab the other extra items there and up to the next room. Inhere, grab the two extra items and save your game. Follow the yellow line through the nex ttwo rooms. In this room grab the extra item and head through two more rooms. In here, grab the two extra items and head to the very top of the room. Head through the left door and beat up Hugh. Grab the Last Key from the room beyond and head back through the boss room. Head down and through the room without the yellow line. There is a Devil in this room, so be careful, as he is very tough. Head through and grab the extra item in the next room. Now, take the teleporter and head to the room where you first saw Dracula, at the start of the game. Hop the gap in the floor and open the door on the other side.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9