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The Wind Shrine to the Ship Graveyard

After you exit the Wind Shrine, there won't be many places you can go.  If you look around you will find the Torna Canal, but the door is locked.  When you are ready, go to the town of Tule. walk3gototule.jpg (8272 bytes)
walk3beghouse.jpg (7323 bytes) After you enter Tule, Faris and his group of pirates head straight to the pub to have a few drinks.  Even if you're not a beginner, you should go to the Beginner's House to get all the treasure out of it.  After that, go shopping!   You should try to get all the spells if you can afford them, as well as some better weapons and armor.
When you're all done shopping, go to Zokk's house, which is the northernmost building in the town.  Lenna will ask Zokk for the key to Torna Canal.   Zokk tells Lenna that the Canal has been overrun with monsters.  Plus, he seems to have lost they key.  After that, he invites the party to stay the night. walk3zokk2.jpg (7751 bytes)
walk3butzflashback.jpg (4994 bytes) Later that night, Butz wakes up, goes outside, and has a flashback to a conversation his mother and father had before they died about the crystals.  He remembers that his father said they must be protected.
When he goes inside to go back to bed, Zokk gives Butz the key to the Canal!  He also tells Butz to protect Lenna. walk3zokk3.jpg (5342 bytes)
walk3farisleavepirates.jpg (6817 bytes) After the party gets up the next morning, do any last minute shopping you need to do and leave the town.  Faris tells his pirates that he is going on a long journey and that they should go back and protect the hideout.  They don't want to but won't disobey Faris.
Go to the Torna Canal.  Unlock the door and sail on through, whacking the monsters on the way by. walk3tornacanal.jpg (7973 bytes)
walk3suckin.jpg (5660 bytes) While you are passing through the Canal, a whirlpool will appear and pull your ship in!  When you get to the center of the whirlpool you will be attacked by Karlabos.
While fighting Karlabos, have your Black Wizard repeatedly cast Bolt on him.  Have your Knight cover the weaker party members while your White Wizard heals people.  He hits hard don't fall behind on healing!

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walk3sydrasuck.jpg (6878 bytes) After Karlabos is defeated, your ship breaks free of the whirlpool, but Syldra doesn't.  While the rest of your party hold Faris back, there is nothing you can do but watch as he is sucked beneath the water.
Without Syldra, your ship simply drifts away. walk3castaway.jpg (4761 bytes)
walk3graveyard1.jpg (5867 bytes) And comes to rest in the Ship Graveyard.  Get off your ship and begin working your way through the graveyard.  All the monsters here are undead, hence they are weak against fire, healing spells, and holy power.
When you reach this point, STOP!  If you do not have transparencies enabled, save your state and enable them, as you will not be able to see under the water.   When you edited your Zsnes.cfg file (or just typed -v 5 at the command prompt), return, load your state, and continue. walk3transparencies.jpg (5595 bytes)
walk3farisgirl.jpg (4750 bytes) After walking through lots of water, you're party will stop to dry their clothes.  Faris seems rather hesitant to remove his clothes and Galuf notices that Faris is... a girl!  After some discussion the party decides that it really doesn't matter that he's a girl though and continues on.
Be sure to grab the world map on the way by. walk3getmap.jpg (4167 bytes)
walk3galufnowork.jpg (5811 bytes) When you finally reach dry land, you will be confronted by the Siren.   She will steal everyone but Galuf's souls.  Due to Galuf's amnesia, he is unaffected by the spell and will revive your other party members.  When he does this, the Siren will attack.
While fighting Siren, fight defensively until she changes to an undead.   When this happens, her defense power drops and she becomes weak against all the normal undead stuff (cure, fire, holy power).  Hit her with everything you've got until she's either dead or turns normal again.  Repeat until you defeat her.   When she's dead, walk north to exit the graveyard.

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