Mining serves a very minor role in Back to Nature, like it does in all Harvest Moon games. Yet what role it does serve is fairly important. The ores sell for
very little but you need them to upgrade your tools, make gifts for the ladies and building the Cheese, Mayo and Yarn makers. There is a mine behind the
waterfall in the spa area, this is the year round mine, and in the middle of the lake on Mother's hill is a mine you can only reach in the winter.
All year mine Winter mine
All year mine
Ore: |
Selling price: |
Use: |
Picture: |
Junk Ore: |
$1 |
Nothing |
Copper Ore: |
$15 |
Level 2 tool upgrade. |
Silver Ore: |
$20 |
Level 3 tool upgrade. |
Gold Ore: |
$25 |
Level 4 tool upgrade. |
Mystrille: |
$40 |
Level 5 tool upgrade. |
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Winter Mine
Ore: |
Selling price: |
Use: |
Picture: |
Admantite: |
$50 |
Cheese maker, Mayo maker & Yarn maker. |
Junk Ore: |
$1 |
Nothing |
Orichalcom: |
$50 |
To make gifts for the ladies at the Blacksmith. |
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