Cows, sheep, chicken and your dog and horse will be covered here. You gain 1% for every animal you own and 1% for every heart the dog and horse have towards you so your livestock are important.
Cows, sheep and the horse can all be found at the Yodel ranch, chickens at the Chicken farm and you start the game with your dog.
Cows Sheep Chicken Horse Dog Produce
Cost: |
Selling price: |
Birth period: |
Produce: |
Picture: |
$6,000 |
$3,000 |
21 days until birth, 42 days until the calf produces milk. |
Milk & cheese |
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Cost: |
Selling price: |
Birth period: |
Produce: |
Picture: |
$4,000 |
$2,000 |
21 days, 21 days until Sheep is old enough to be sheared. |
Wool & Yarn |
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Cost: |
Selling price: |
Birth period: |
Produce: |
Picture: |
$1,500 |
$500 |
Eggs hatch in 3-4 days and the chick becomes a chicken in a 7-8 days. |
Eggs & Mayo |
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Location: |
Growth Period: |
Uses: |
How to Raise: |
Picture: |
The Yodel Ranch. During your first spring go to the Yodel Ranch to get the horse. |
One year to grow into an adult. |
The Horse raises your completion percent, for every heart he has towards you, as well as being used to haul crops and compete in the horse races. To haul crops just drop them into one
of his saddlebags, it will be sent to the bin. |
The horse is simple to raise: brush and talk to it every day until it grows up. Once it has grown up brush it and ride it daily, riding it will prepare it for
the races. When it's sunny keep it outside and when it's rainy take it back to the stable. Once the horse is fully grown Barley will come to take it back to the Yodel ranch, to keep the
horse ensure that you have raised it to at least 6 hearts. |
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Location: |
Growth Period: |
Uses: |
How to Raise: |
Picture: |
The dog is with you from the moment you start the game. |
Two seasons to grow into an adult. |
The dog raises your completion percent, for every heart it has towards you, as well as competing in the Dog races. |
Ensure to hold the dog everyday and when it rains take him inside the house. When he's fully grown Won will sell you a ball, use it to play fetch with the dog and he'll become intelligent.
Intelligence is the key to winning the dog race. Also, if the Dog loves you, Yodel will come and ask to borrow your dog so that the Yodel ranch dog can have puppies. So he'll leave your farm for about a month and soon enough there'll be puppies to give away. |
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Produce: |
Selling price: |
Picture: |
Cheese: |
$300-600 |
Eggs: |
$50 |
Mayonaise: |
$100-300 |
Milk: |
$100-300 |
Wool: |
$100-600 |
Yarn: |
$300-1,000 |
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