Gladiatrix Barkeep
Age: 23 (F)
Origin: Guldove (Another)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Build: Muscular
Japanese name: Orlha (no change)
Innate: Blue
Weapon: Glove
Element Grid: 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1
Accent: Normal
To join: Defeat her in Another Guldove after returning from the dimensional vortex, then give her the SapphireBrooch once you've gotten the Tear of Love.
L. 3 Technique (One enemy): "Multipunch". Orlha punches the enemy several times.
L. 5 Technique (One enemy): "PunchDrunk". She weaves around, then delivers a very strong hit.
L. 7 Technique (found - One enemy): "SisterHoods". Aided by the ghost of her sister Tia, she smashes the enemy.
To find "SisterHoods": Take Orlha to Doc in Home Guldove.