Scientific Genius
Age: 28 (F)
Origin: Zenan Mainland (Another)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Build: Thin
Japanese name: Lutianna (they changed it to Luccia for space constraints, and it introduced mucho confusion when people compared her to Lucca...)
Innate: Black
Weapon: Shot
Element Grid: 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 3
Accent: Russian
To join: Fall into her trap during the Viper Manor segment, then return and talk to her once you have the boat.
L. 3 Technique (One enemy): "Pin-UpGirl". Luccia throws a bunch of pins at the enemy.
L. 5 Technique (One enemy): "Mix&Match". Luccia throws two Erlenmeyer flasks at the enemy, causing random status effects (usually Darkness).
L. 7 Technique (Found - One enemy): "TestAmeba". Luccia sics her newest finding on the enemy.
Finding "TestAmeba": Take Luccia to the kitchen in Viper Manor, then go into the grate. Go right and examine the blob for her L.7 technique. |