Village Physician
Age: 27 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland (Another)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 146 lbs.
Build: Ordinary
Japanese name: Doc (no change)
Innate: White
Weapon: Shot
Element Grid: 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
Accent: Proper English, but uses some surfer terms like calling people "dudes".
To join: Tell Korcha you can't help Kid after the Viper Manor segment; Doc will join automatically later. If you get him, you can't get Korcha, Razzly, or Mel.
L. 3 Technique (One enemy): "HighFive". He throws his weapon in the air and it comes down in white shards.
L. 5 Technique (One enemy): "Gnarly". He uses some kind of freaky chiropractic technique against the enemy.
L. 7 Technique (found - All allies): "HangTen". He heals HP for the party.
To find "HangTen": Get the Medical Book from the Dead Sea, and take Doc out of your party. Go to Another Marbule and give it to him.