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F3 Walkthrough

Corak's Notes on F3:

Enemies of Wildabar and Castle Blood Reign often find themselves unwitting residents of Minotaur Marsh. Indeed, the marsh is filled with Gargoyles that were captured during their rout from Thorn Blossom Orchard, and Trolls that invaded Castle Blood Reign when the fleeing Ogres drove them out of their valley.

Monsters in the area: Gargoyles, Trolls.

Map of F3

Maze From Hell.






The Minotaur Marsh is a moderately dangerous area, inhabited by nasty Trolls and paralysing Gargoyles. Neither should be a challenge by the time you get to this area, though. If you find you're having trouble with the enemies here, don't even think about visiting this area's main attraction, the Maze From Hell. The enemies here are nothing compared to the ones inside.

To even enter the Maze From Hell, you need a Gold Master Key. You can find one in the Magic Cavern, or you can get one from the hireling The Raven, who you can hire in Blistering Heights to get his key. Be careful - you must approach the Maze's entrance from a forest area, from the north or east. If you approach from the open areas west or south, you'll end up losing the two lead characters of your party to quicksand.

There are no monster lairs in this area, but there are a bunch of stone statues scattered around. These are altars to the ancient gods Obeyer, Slayer, Soothsayer, Purveyor and Betrayer. If you approach the statues, they'll ask you for a donation. Obeyer asks 100000 gold, Slayer wants 200000 gold, Soothsayer 500000 gold, and Purveyor needs no less than 1 million gold. In return, they offer to "remember you". Betrayer only asks for 10000 gold, but this is "to make the others forget you". If you have the money to spare, visit the statues of Obeyer, Slayer, Soothsayer and Purveyor and pay what they ask for. Do not give any money to Betrayer. Doing this will allow you to collect some treasure at the Well of Rememberance in area F4, which should definately be worth the investment.

Like most outside areas, there's some treasure hidden here and there. In this area, the statue of Purveyor is literally surrounded by hidden treasure:

* Four steps west and one south from Purveyor, you'll find 100000 gold and 5 random items.
* Two steps west and one south from Purveyor is a "treasure" of 1 gold, 1 gems, and 1 random item.
* The last treasure is located two steps east from Purveyor; a Holy Word scroll.

That's all for this area. Now, think you're tough enough to tackle the Maze From Hell? Good luck...

Adjacent areas:

Area How to get there
Maze from Hell Go to point 1 on the map
Shadowmire(F2) Go north from this area
Evermoors(E3) Go west from this area
Forsaken Sands(F4) Go south from this area

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