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This is just the Readme that comes with the game. Just in case you want to read about the game before you download it, or maybe because you're too lazy to open a little .txt file...

                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                  *±±                                   ±±*
                  *±±         Tomato presents...        ±±*
                  *±±                                   ±±*
                  *±±                                   ±±*
                  *±±             TOMATO IN             ±±*
                  *±±                                   ±±*
                  *±±                                   ±±*
                  *±±           THE FREAK FARM          ±±*
                  *±±                v1.2               ±±*
                  *±±                                   ±±*
                  *±±     BY:                           ±±*
                  *±±        *  Clyde Mandelin          ±±*
                  *±±        *  Eric Thorson            ±±*
                  *±±                                   ±±*
                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

LOCO NOTE:  This game is not shareware, freeware, or anything like that.
            It's just free.  You can't beat that!  If you like it or don't
            like it write the loco people that made it and tell them.  You
            can send them ideas or whatever, or send money if you are loco

REQUIREMENTS:  An IBM PC or compatible with at least a CGA monitor.

RATING:  Still L for loco.

INSTRUCTIONS:  Many of these instructions are not even necessary because
               the game is so easy to control.

There are two parts to the game:  The field and battles.  The field is
where you walk around and explore areas, and battles are the fights
that pit you against an enemy.

    º                                   º
    º  ARROW KEYS - MOVE AROUND         º
    º           S - STATUS SCREEN       º
    º           P - PAUSE GAME          º
    º           F - FILE MENU           º
    º         Esc - EXIT GAME           º
    º   SPACE BAR - CHECK GROUND        º
    º       ENTER - ALSO CHECK GROUND   º
    º                                   º

SAVING:  Press <F>, then press <S>.

LOADING:  Press <F>, then <L>.  You will start back at the tomato patch, but
          with all your saved attributes and equipment.

    º     Here is how you would fight an enemy:    º 
    º                                              º
    º   1.  First, there are three options when    º
    º       the fight commences - Attack, Spell,   º
    º       or escape.                             º
    º                                              º
    º   2.  Choose which command to do by moving   º
    º       the cursor to that command.  Then      º
    º       press the space bar or enter           º
    º                                              º
    º   3.  If you choose to attack, a number      º
    º       indicating how much HP the enemy lost  º
    º       will be shown.  Then, in most cases,   º
    º       the enemy will attack back.  If both   º
    º       sides still have more than 0 HP left,  º
    º       another round starts.                  º
    º                                              º
    º   4.  If you choose to use a spell and you   º
    º       don't have any, you won't be allowed   º
    º       to use this command.  If however, you  º
    º       do have spells, then a spell menu will º    
    º       appear.  To activate the spell you     º
    º       want to use, press the first letter    º
    º       in the name of that spell.  If you     º
    º       have enough MP, your character will    º
    º       cast that spell.                       º
    º                                              º
    º   5.  If you choose to escape, you have a    º
    º       50 percent chance of failure.  If      º
    º       you're fighting a boss, however, you   º
    º       won't be able to escape at all.(There  º
    º       are only two bosses anyways.)          º

When you win a battle, you will gain Tomato Points, which are the
same as experience points for those of you who are experienced
RPG veterans.  When you gain enough Tomato Points, you will rise to
the next level, and you will gain HP, MP, and strength.  If you
reach certain levels, some spells will become available to you.
Also, there are two items that may be left behind by enemies - both
are types of armor.  So, keep fighting enemies to get these items
so you can raise your defense.

    º  SPELLS  º
    º  There are three magic spells in this game:  º
    º                                              º
    º  Tomato Cure - This magic refills some of    º
    º                your HP.                      º
    º                                              º
    º  Deep Freeze - This magic freezes your enemy º
    º                for one round, making it      º
    º                unable to fight or defend     º
    º                itself.  Some HP is also      º
    º                taken away from the enemy.    º
    º                Bosses are immune to the      º
    º                freezing effect of this       º
    º                spell.                        º
    º                                              º
    º  Super Power - Normally, you have a 10%      º
    º                chance of getting to use a    º
    º                super-powerful hit.  With     º
    º                this spell you can raise that º
    º                chance by 20% by calling a    º
    º                lightning bolt to strike you. º
    º                If done enough times, you can º
    º                have a 100%+ chance!!  Great  º
    º                against bosses!               º


    º   WEAPONS   º
    º    There are three weapons:             º
    º                                         º
    º  Fist........This is the weapon that youº
    º              start with.  Power: 1      º
    º                                         º
    º  Pitchfork...With this weapon your      º
    º              enemies will get the point.º
    º              Power: 4                   º
    º                                         º
    º  Reaper......Slice and dice all your    º
    º              troubles away with this    º
    º              blade of doom.  Power: 8   º
    º                                         º

    º    ARMOR    º
    º    There are three types of armor:      º
    º                                         º
    º  Stem........Not too strong but better  º
    º              than nothing.  Defense: 1  º
    º                                         º
    º  Cabbage.....Stronger than your stem    º
    º  Leaves      but relatively weak.       º
    º              Defense: 3                 º
    º                                         º
    º  Cow Hide....Moooo!  Can you find this  º
    º              ultra-strong armor?  Good  º
    º              luck!!  Defense: 8         º
    º                                         º

--->  There are MANY endings to this game, so try to get them all!

    *                                                      *
    *          IF YOU WANT, YOU CAN WRITE TO:              *
    *                                                      *
    *                   TOMATO-SAN                         *
    *                 19934 W. RAY RD.                     *
    *                 BUCKEYE, AZ 85326                    *
    *                                                      *
    *                       OR                             *
    *                                                      *
    *                  ERIC THORSON                        *
    *                5127 N. 77th Drive                    *
    *               GLENDALE, AZ  85303                    *
    *                                                      *
    *                                                      *

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.