Downloads To play this game in English, you need an emulator and the ROM. The emulator can be found at Zophar's Domain (I recommend NESticle for DOS or NNNesterJ for Windows). To find the ROM, just try a search at Google, or try RPGClassics' chat room. ShaheenJim also provided a hacked save state for the NESticle emulator. This is saved right at the start of the game, with all the best equipment, and an item list full of magic. Don't change Jobs or de-equip anything, or all your stats will be lost. You can get the hacked save state here. If you don't want to bother with save state hacking via hexadecimal, why not use a program to do it for you? This one works for NNNesterJ save files; it was made by Dan Scott. Or, this one works for NESticle save files; it's by The_Fake_God. Finally, you can get MIDIs from the game, as well as NSFs, here. To play NSFs (original music ripped from the ROM), you'll need Winamp and the Winamp plugin.