Thanks! Nice to see you're reading this! Anyway, thanks go out to the following. The RPGC Staff: For accepting me as one of their own, despite my incompetence. A truly great group of people that I'm proud to be a part of. MegaManX and The President: Ninja Boy II fans at GameFAQs that gave me some motivation to keep up the good work. My family at home: Specifically my little bro Tyler, for keeping me sane and focused! Cidolfas: He's the person that inspired me to join the site and become a shriner. In this particular shrine, he gave me some very useful pointers on map making. Mr. Chikaru Momota: I don't know who you are exactly, but by sending me the location of the second hidden item shop, you have made this hair-pullingly tough game much, much easier; I can now beat the game on Hard Mode without savestates. I cannot thank you enough! And companies such as Culture Brain and Contrail: for going up against Square and Enix and releasing their RPGS! As well, this shrine is dedicated to.......
Thanks again everyone! See you next time! ~ D Of Z