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Katsuhito / Yosho

Brief Bio
In the OAV series, Katsuhito is Tenchi's grandfather and has been training him in the methods of Jurai style fighting. Aeka finds this strange and after a while it is discovered that Katsuhito is actually part of the Jurai royal family. His real name is Yosho and he is Aeka's brother who defeat Ryoko 700 years prior.
In Tenchi Universe, Katushito is Tenchi's grandfather and is training him in the style of the Jurai royal family's fighting. He himself is a skilled swordsman and he destroys Mihoshi's ship. After a while they discover that his name is Yosho.

Moves and Statistics
Level HP Strength Defense Move Learned Ability
1 68 12 48 2 Nirengeki
2 76 14 51 2 Gorengeki
3 88 18 / 22 54 / 55 2 (M)Zanzougeri
4 104 21 / 25 57 / 58 2 Kaijin
5 128 25/ 29 61 / 62 2 (M)GekiRyokujin
6 152 29 / 33 65 / 66 2 Hishounotenkyaku
7 164 34 / 48 70 / 71 2 (M)Tengekikenkyaku
8 188 39 / 43 75 / 76 2 (M)Tenchihametsukyaku

Ability name Level Targets Range Power Notes
Nirengeki 1 One Adjacent 28  
Gorengeki 2 One Adjacent 56  
Kaijin 4 Self Self N/A Maximizes Kiai
Hishounotenkyaku 6 One Two (Linear) 58  
Zanzougeri 3 One Adjacent 76 Morph Ability
Gekiryokujin 5 Self Self N/a

Morph Ability. Raises Strength

Tengekikenkyaku 7 One Three (Linear) 96 Morph Ability
Tenchihametsukyaku 8 One Two (Linear) N/A Morph Ability

Where to find Katsuhito / Yosho:
If you go to the Hot Springs you will find him being attacked and if you save him he'll join you.

He's got the highest HP rating, a high Strength rating, and a high Defense rating. He can't move very far, but most of his attacks are lethal and with decent range so it isn't difficult to make up for that. On top of that, strongest attack does the most damage out of every attack in the game.