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How To Play

These are the controls for the game on the SNES:
L - Nothing
R - Cancel
X - Nothing
Select - (See Battle)
Y - Nothing
A - Confirm
B - Cancel
Start - ???

Besides battling, the only thing you will be doing in this game is using the A button to select your location and to advance text.

Here are the battle menus:
Normal Menu:

| Move    | - Move your character
| Attack  | - Select an available attack from the list and use it.
| End     | - End your turn

Menu when a character has 8 Kiai:
| Move    | - Move your character
| Attack  | - Select an available attack from the list and use it.
| Morph   | - Morph your character into a stronger form of him/herself
| End     | - End your turn

Menu when a character is morphed:
| Move    | - Move your character
| Attack  | - Select an available attack from the list and use it.
| Revert  | - Return to your character's original form
| End     | - End your turn

At any time during a battle, if you press B you will be able to move the cursor around the screen. If you move the cursor on any character and then press the select button a window will pop up with their statistics. However, if you are using the English translated version, then it will just be scrambled. If you place the cursor over any target, a window will pop up after waiting a few seconds which shows that target's HP, Kiai, Strength, and Defense.
Before you move or, the floor will become darkened with exception to the light areas next to your character. These areas are the places he/she can move to. Before an attack, the floor will light up with exception to a few dark areas next to your characters. This is the range the attack will cover. For attacks that hit a single enemy, an arrow will select which enemy your character will attack. For attacks that hit multiple enemies, there will be no arrow and all enemies in the range will be hit.
Morphing is a way for a character to receive stronger attacks as well as a higher Strength and Defense value. Morphing is important in winning battles when necessary, so it is highly recommended to morph to get your strongest attacks.

Here is an explanation of each statistic:
After killing a certain amount of enemies, your character will advance a level and will increase his/her statistics and sometimes learn a new attack. The maximum level is 8.

HP is a number which represents the amount of life that your character has. There are two numbers: Maximum HP and Current HP. Maximum HP is the maximum amount of life your character can have and Current HP is the amount he/she has now. If the maximum HP value reaches zero, your character will be wounded and will not be able to participate in the battle any longer.

Strength: This value represents how strong all of your characters attacks are. The higher the number, the more damage each of your attacks will do to the enemy.

Defense: This number represents how well your character takes attacks. The higher the number, the less damage will be received from the enemy.