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First off, you should be familiar with the basics of Arcana.

  • First off, instead of an overhead view, you have a first-person perspective, much like Might and Magic games. Up moves you forward, Down moves you backward, and Left and Right spin you around.
  • Secondly, you should know all about your little friend, the spirit. (See the Spirits Page for more info.)
  • Again, Cards are a wise thing to know about. (See the Cards page for more info.)
  • Press "A" to open up the main menu.
  • Be wary of random encounters here. Turning around can trigger them as well as moving. In addition, if your Alertness is low, a random encounter can scare you. You'll turn around, the monsters appear, you go "Yikes!" and the monsters get the first turn. Seek Spirits with high Alertness, and stay leveled up.
  • Your best friend in these confusing dungeons is going to be the AutoMap feature. Just choose "Map" and you can see wherever you've been.
  • When you gain a Level, that character does not gain any more Exp. If you won 2,000 Exp. From a battle, and Rooks needed 500 to gain a level, that 1500 extra will go to waste for him (and him only).
  • Probably won't cause you a problem, but you're limited to 32 pieces of equipment. Items, however, are unlimited.
  • Also a problem we wish we had: Max gold is 65535. If you get more than that (Golden Sword and Rococo Armor are good for cash only), buy some Honeys...
  • Honeys RAISE stats, not cure them. Use them wisely, however; after all, it'd be pointless to give Teefa/Salah Attack Increases. However, note that you can buy them...hmm...Also, I suggest giving Honeys only to Rooks. It'll make sense in the end.
  • Some pieces of equipment have spells attached to them. When equipped, the person wearing them can "annihilate" them in battle to cast that spell. See the different Equipment pages to see what pieces of equipment cast what. Very few actually do, and almost none do in the beginning.
  • Spaces with Treasure Chests are special: You are free from random encounters in them. Spin around freely, and let your spirits heal there. (Must be blessed Treasure chests...hmm...)
  • Elements are super-important in this game. The borders around Monsters indicate what element they are, and thus what power their defense will have against elemental spells. In addition, their attack will be elemental. Your spirits can cast "Change Attr. to *"; this can be super effective if you're facing a group of monsters that's weak vs. the elemental of a spirit you have.
  • If you're stuck in a dungeon, try the "Left-hand side/Right-hand side" rule (stick to one side until you find your way out).
  • The maximum level is 60. Keep that in mind...
  • Chapter 1

    (c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.