Inn: 4/8
Weapon Shop: Psytech Sword, Animity Sword, Fire Axe
Armory: Psytech Armor, Cotton Robe
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Herb 1, Opal, Pearl, Topaz, Antid, Bottle of
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Psytech Sword, Animity Sword, Psytech Axe, Petrified Staff, Light
Armory: Psytech Armor, Cotton Robe, Xtri Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Herb 1, Opal, Pearl, Topaz, Antid, Bottle of
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Animity Sword, Kryonic Sword, Fire Axe, Psytech Axe, Petrified Staff
Armory: Psytech Armor, Silk Robe, Xtri Shield, Scarf
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Herb 1, Pearl, Topaz, Ruby, Antid, Bottle of
Fossil, Exit Gate
Inn: 8/16
Weapon Shop: Anger Sword, Nature Sword, Animity Axe, Tides Staff, Saber
Armory: Psytech Armor, Animity Armor, Silk Robe, Xtri Robe, Xtri Shield, Kryonic
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Opal, Topaz, Antid, Ruby, Magic Water, Sapphire,
Inn: 6/12
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Anger Sword, Nature Sword, Animity Axe, Anger Axe, Saber
Armory: Psytech Armor, Animity Armor, Silk Robe, Seas Robe, Kryonic Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Herb 1, Pearl, Topaz, Antid, Power Bottle,
Protect Bottle, Winball
Inn: 6/12
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Nature Sword, Brilliance Sword, Anger Axe, Tides Staff, Confusion Staff
Armory: Animity Armor, Royal Armor, Seas Robe, Kryonic Shield, Courage Shield
Item Store: Potion 2, Pearl, Antid, Topaz, Magic Water, Ruby, Power Bottle,
Sapphire, Exigate
Inn: 10/20
Find: A Seed
Weapon Shop: Brilliance Sword, Courage Sword, Anger Axe, Power Axe, Confusion Staff
Armory: Animity Armor, Royal Armor, Hope Robe, Kryonic Shield, Courage Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Herb 1, Opal, Topaz, Ruby, Magic Water, Fire
Bottle, Winball
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Brilliance Sword, Courage Sword, Anger Axe, Power Axe, Confusion Staff
Armory: Psytech Armor, Animity Armor, Seas Robe, Hope Robe, Courage Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Opal, Pearl, Antid, Ruby, Magic Water, Bottle of
Ice, Winball
Inn: 4/8
Weapon Shop: Despair Sword, Fear Sword, Power Axe, Despair Axe, Confusion Staff
Armory: Royal Armor, Courage Armor, Seas Robe, Hope Robe, Brilliance Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Herb 1, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Magic Water,
Ice Bottle, Winball
Inn: 4/8
Weapon Shop: Courage Sword, Despair Sword, Power Axe, Despair Axe, Brilliance Rod
Armory: Royal Armor, Courage Armor, Hope Robe, Anger Robe, Brilliance Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Pearl, Topaz, Magic Water, Emerald, Magic Siphon,
Diamond, Winball
Inn: 8/16
Weapon Shop: Fear Sword, Fire Sword, Despair Axe, Kryonic Axe, Brilliance Rod
Armory: Royal Armor, Courage Armor, Hope Robe, Anger Robe, Anger Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Opal, Pearl, Antid, Ruby, Magic Water, Agility
Bottle, Protect Bottle
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Courage Sword, Anger Axe, Kryonic Axe, Fear Axe, Brilliance Rod
Armory: Royal Armor, Courage Armor, Seas Robe, Hope Robe, Courage Shield, Mask
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Water, Power Bottle, Fossil Bottle, Agility
Bottle, Protect Bottle, Vacuum, Mirror
Inn: 12/24
Weapon Shop: Despair Sword, Fear Sword, Despair Axe, Kryonic Axe, Confusion Staff
Armory: Royal Armor, Courage Armor, Anger Robe, Victory Robe, Justice Shield
Item Store: Potion 2, Opal, Magic Water, Pearl, Mirror, Topaz, Winball, Sapphire,
Inn: 16/32
Weapon Shop: Despair Sword, Fear Sword, Despair Axe, Kryonic Shield, Brilliance Rod
Armory: Bravery Armor, Mystic Armor, Hope Robe, Anger Robe, Mystery Shield
Item Store: Potion 2, Potion 3, Opal, Pearl, Magic Water, Topaz, Winball, Ruby,
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Despair Sword, Fear Sword, Kryonic Axe, Brilliance Rod, Despair Staff
Armory: Courage Armor, Bravery Armor, Hope Robe, Anger Robe, Xtri Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Opal, Topaz, Antid, Ruby, Magic Water, Sapphire,
Inn: 8/16
Weapon Shop: Despair Sword, Fear Sword, Power Axe, Saber, Fire Knife
Armory: Courage Armor, Bravery Armor, Hope Robe, Anger Robe, Sound Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Magic Herb 1, Magic Water, Mosquito, Magic Siphon,
Shield Destroyer, Harp, Winball
Inn: 10/20
Weapon Shop: Fire Sword, Insanity Sword, Despair Axe, Kryonic Axe, Brilliance Rod
Armory: Mystic Armor, Fortress Armor, Hope Robe, Anger Robe, Sound Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Magic Water,
Emerald, Harp
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Despair Sword, Fear Sword, Kryonic Axe, Mystic Axe, Confusion Staff
Armory: Royal Armor, Courage Armor, Victory Robe, Despair Robe, Mystic Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Ruby, Magic Herb 2, Antid, Magic
Water, Winball
Inn: 4/8
Weapon Shop: Fear Sword, Fire Sword, Fear Axe, Despair Axe, Nature Staff
Armory: Fortress Armor, Mystic Armor, Victory Robe, Despair Robe, Mystic Shield,
Kryonic Scarf
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Antid, Magic Water, Ice Bottle,
Fossil Bottle, Winball
Inn: 10/20
Weapon Shop: Fear Sword, Fire Sword, Ancient Sword, Fear Axe, Despair Staff
Armory: Mystic Armor, Fortress Armor, Victory Robe, Despair Robe, Mystic Shield
Item Store: Potion 1, Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Ruby, Magic Water, Fire Bottle,
Mirror, Winball
Inn: 12/24
Weapon Shop: Ancient Sword, Doom Sword, Kryonic Axe, Mystic Axe, Nature Staff
Armory: Fortress Armor, Scale Mail, Despair Robe, Confusion Robe, Mystic Shield
Item Store: Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Topaz, Magic Herb 2, Ruby, Magic Water,
Sapphire, Power Bottle
Inn: 26/52
Weapon Shop: Ancient Sword, Doom Sword, Mystic Axe, Hope Axe, Fear Rod
Armory: Fortress Armor, Scale Mail, Confusion Robe, Mystery Robe, Anger Shield,
Mystic Shield
Item Store: Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Ruby, Antid, Sapphire, Magic Water, Mosquito,
Agility Bottle
Inn: 18/36
Weapon Shop: Ancient Sword, Doom Sword, Hope Axe, Fear Rod, Mystery Staff
Armory: Scale Mail, Chain Mail, Confusion Robe, Mystery Robe, Fortune Shield
Item Store: Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Ruby, Magic Herb 2, Antid, Magic Water,
Mirror, Harp
Inn: 36/72
Weapon Shop: Ancient Sword, Doom Sword, Kryonic Gauntlet, Mystic Axe, Hope Axe
Armory: Block, Kryonic Mail, Confusion Robe, Mystery Robe, Fortune Shield,
Immobility Shield
Item Store: Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Topaz, Magic Herb 2, Sapphire, Antid,
Diamond, Magic Water
Inn: 6/12
Weapon Shop: Doom Sword, Victory Sword, Hope Axe, Immobility Axe, Immobility Rod
Armory: Scale Mail, Chain Mail, Mystery Robe, Immobility Robe, Fortune Shield,
Brilliance Scarf
Item Store: Potion 2, Potion 3, Pearl, Sapphire, Magic Herb 2, Antid, Magic Water,
Agility Bottle, Mirror
Inn: 2/4
Weapon Shop: Doom Sword, Victory Sword, Kryonic Gauntlet, Immobility Axe, Immobility
Armory: Kryonic Mail, Block, Mystery Robe, Immobility Robe, Immobility Shield,
Brilliance Scarf
Item Store: Potion 3, Emerald, Magic Herb 2, Diamond, Magic Water, Power Bottle,
Agility Bottle, Mirror, Harp