Feed the
When you first travel through
Gizamaluke's Grotto, you will make the
acquaintance of a newlywed moogle couple. The male is excessively
fond of Kupo Nuts, so you should visit the grotto every time you
receive a Kupo Nut. He will give you a present in return for each
Kupo Nut you bring, and you will also have the pleasure of seeing his
family grow. And grow. (But then, what else is there to do
in the middle of Gizamaluke's Grotto?)
You will also be able to obtain a piece of the island equipment from
him. All the pieces except this one can be acquired by playing
Chocobo Hot and Cold, but if you don't keep bringing the moogle Kupo
Nuts, you will never have a complete set of beachwear for every
character. Please do your best to avert this disaster.