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Qu's Marsh

Enemies in this area:
Axolotl <Eat: Aqua Breath>
Clipper: <Eat: Aqua Breath>
Gigan Toad <Eat: Frog Drop>
Sahagin <Eat: Aqua Breath>

Take her with you Do you recognize this place from the ATE's?  Qu's Marsh is the place where Mogster and Moggy have their lessons.  You can speak to Mogster if you want to review any of the information from those ATE's.  Walk back through the reeds.  On the next screen, you will not be able to see anything but a rustling of the reeds as you pass through, but just keep moving toward the back of the screen.  Speak to the . . . um . . . entity you see by the pond, and you'll learn that (s)he is hungry.  You should help out by catching a frog.  Run up to one and press X to capture a frog.  They will keep hopping around, so it may take a little patience.  Once you have one, speak to the hungry one again.  You will learn that her name is Quina.  (There seems to be some question about her gender, but I will refer to Quina as "her" to avoid confusion.  And besides, I really think she is female.)

Give Quina the frog, and Quale will enter the scene.  After some dialogue in Quale's house, Zidane will be asked to take Quina with him on his travels.  She is a great addition to the party, and possesses unique skills, so you should be glad to get her.  Congratulations - you now have a blue mage! 

Once you emerge from the building, Vivi reveals something interesting and reenters the house for another conversation.  When you regain control, provide Quina with some better equipment and return to the pond.  Every time you come to a pond in any Qu's Marsh throughout the world, Quina will want to stop and catch frogs, provided she is with you at the time.  Let her do so, because it will boost the power of one of her blue magic attacks.  Additionally, you will receive rewards for frog-catching from Quale.

When you catch a frog, you can choose to keep it or let it go.  Do not catch gold frogs or baby frogs, and always leave at least one male frog and one female frog in each pond.  If you do not, it will take a very long time for the frogs to repopulate.  A running total of the frogs caught will appear on the screen.  After Quina catches two frogs, Quale will appear and give her an Ore

Once Quina acquires the blue magic Frog Drop, its power will depend on how many frogs she has caught.  Later in the game, Frog Drop can be extremely effective, if you have been stopping regularly to catch frogs.  For more information on frog catching, see the Side Quests and Mini-Games section.
Caught a frog

A revelation From now on, you can have Quina eat enemies in battle.  Certain enemies will teach her blue magic abilities.  The Gigan Toad, from which she can learn Frog Drop, is one of those.  Enemies cannot be eaten until they are weakened.  When an enemy does not teach a blue magic ability, or Quina has already learned it, she will say it tastes bad. 

When you are finished catching frogs, start to exit the screen at the bottom, and Zidane will ask Quina if she's finished.  Return to the world map and save the game.  Go east and cross the bridge.  Enter the small round forest in front of you.

Continue to Chocobo's Forest