The Love Note
After the opening scenes, you
will have control of Vivi. Walk to
the right. After the screen changes, you
can watch an ATE.
ATE: It's So Big!
Eiko is impressed with the size of the castle.

Have Vivi speak to Hippaul's
mother on the left side of the screen, and
agree to race against Hippaul. Winning will get you a card
for every ten of Hippaul's levels. To race, press □
and o rapidly, which
will control Vivi's pace. The races will become more difficult as
Hippaul's level increases. These are the prizes that can be won:
Wyerd Card
Carrion Worm Card
Tantarian Card
Armstrong Card
Ribbon Card
Nova Dragon Card
Genji Card
Athlete Queen (Key Item)
ATE: Long Time No
Zenero, Benero, and Genero meet up again.
When you have had enough
go back to the left, and in the next
screen, you can see another ATE. (You can find Zidane in the pub,
but he is feeling down and won't talk to you.)
Go to Doug's Item Shop and
if he has anything you need. In
the square, there are a couple of ATE's available.
ATE: To Fly High
Blank and Marcus discuss Zidane's situation.
Artemicion, of Mognet, finally shows up, sporting a suspicious new look. |
Stop in
at the synthesis
shop. A large number of items can be
synthesized, and you should be able to afford some of them. Check
the weapon shop next door for some new equipment, also. |
In the alley, Blank and
Marcus are waiting outside Ruby's
Mini-Theater. Before speaking to them, return to the bell tower
and give Kupo the letter from Kuppo. Kupo also has a letter from
Mogrika that you can read. Speak to Artemicion and do another
deal with Stiltzkin. Climb the tower, pull the rope, and get
Hippaul's stash - Ironite Card,
Goblin Card, Fang Card, Shiva Card, and Ramuh Card.
If you
had done this part on Disc 1, the rare cards would not have been
there. When you're ready, save the game and return to the
alley. Agree to help the guys out, enter the mini-theater, and
watch the scene.
Meanwhile, Dagger is having a stressful day. Dr. Tot
gives her an Opal, a Topaz, and an Amethyst which were
extracted by the queen. Beatrix and Dagger have a heartfelt
discussion, and Beatrix shows her loyalty.
Eiko has
plans of her own,
enlist's Dr. Tot's aid in writing a
letter which will begin a very entertaining fiasco. Dr. Tot
notices something interesting about Eiko, and it causes him to remember
things about Dagger that he hadn't thought about in many years. |
You now control Eiko.
Start toward the castle doors.
unexpected run-in with Baku will leave Eiko hanging. Having
little choice, she entrusts her letter to Baku. Unfortunately, he
gets into an argument down by the dock and drops the letter.
Don't worry - someone will come across it soon.
Back at the pub, Zidane's old pals try to cheer him up. Baku
expresses some rather forceful opinions, and you will take control of
Zidane again. Out in the street, another ATE is available. |
Baku realizes two things - that he forgot to give Zidane the letter,
and that he no longer has the letter in his possession. |
Stop in
at the
mini-theater. Speak to Ruby, and pick up the 2680 gil from the
floor. Head back toward the castle, and you will come across
Freya and Amarant having a disagreement at the dock. After a
brief scene, they will be back in your party. Search the ground
on the left for an Ether
and the ground on the right for a Phoenix Pinion. Behind
the fountain is a Lapis Lazuli.
Go left to the tower. Enter the room on the left and search the
upper right corner for the Leo
Stellazzio. In the upper right corner of the main room is
another Phoenix Pinion. |
Go to the castle doors, where
you will find Eiko being removed from the
premises. The party asks to see the princess, and Steiner
agrees. They all speak to her except Zidane, who doesn't seem to
be able to say anything. Eiko and Dagger exchange jewels as a
gesture of friendship.
Later, Eiko sits at the docks feeling blue, and then a series of comic
events occur which center around her ill-fated letter. Everyone
meets up again at the pub, and they agree to go to Treno, where a card
tournament is now taking place. |
to Treno Card Tournament