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Desert Palace

Enemies in this area:
Antlion <Eat: Mighty Guard>
Goblin Mage <Eat: Goblin Punch>
Griffin <Eat: White Wind>
Grimlock <Eat: Night>
Land Worm <Eat: Matra Magic>
Ogre <Eat: Matra Magic>
Troll <Eat: Vanish>

Land here this time You haven't had Quina in your party for a while, so let her eat a few things in this region.  There are several monsters here from which she can learn blue magic.  Head north, avoiding the first sinkholes you come to, and make your way to the one at the top of the area.  Press X to enter the area.

Walk down to the circular area and you will be teleported to Kuja's room.  He will explain your task and allow you to choose a party.  (I recommend Zidane, Quina, Freya, and Amarant.)  He will then teleport your party to the airship dock, where the Hilda Garde 1 waits.  You will probably have to fight Grimlocks on your way to the ship.  Use magic attacks when they are pink on top, and physical attacks when they are blue on top. Receiving instructions

Just pawns Board the ship, and you will automatically be flown to the Forgotten Continent.  On the way, Zidane will have an encounter with Zorn and Thorn.  You will land and find yourself beside the airship on Blairsurpass Plains.  Equip the party with status-ailment preventing abilities, buy whatever supplies you need from the jesters, and save the game.

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