"Black Wind" Leader
Age: 26 (M)
Origin: Porre, Zenan (Home)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Build: Average
Japanese name: Ishito
Innate: Yellow
Weapon: Gun
Element Grid: 8 7 6 4 4 3 2 2
Accent: Proper English, and he seems to insist on calling Serge "sir".
To join: Talk to him in the Home Viper Manor prison with Radius in your party, after returning from the Dimensional Vortex.
L. 3 Technique (One enemy): "SpiralRay". He fires a spiraling laser from his gun.
L. 5 Technique (All enemies): "SunShower". He fires several shots in the air which explode all around.
L. 7 Technique (found - One enemy): "TopShot". He fires a very concentrated laser beam.
To find "TopShot": Talk to his counterpart in Another Viper Manor (second room on the left from the starting room) after the second segment there (after getting Viper et al).