![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/01.gif) |
From the entrance, swim to the upper
door. Kill the enemies and grab the
Bombs in the chest. Hop on the cart
and ride it to the next room, making sure
to flip the switch on your way out. Kill
the enemies and bomb the right wall. To
solve the next puzzle, remove the middle
2 jars and push the others to the buttons,
and stand on the last one. Grab the
Small Key that drops. |
Head back to the cart. If you hit the
switch, you will go right. If not, hit it
so that you do. Push the blue statue onto
the button and go through the door.
Move the blocks in the upper left corner
and go down the stairs. Weave your
way around, killing anything in your
way. Take either lower door and then
weave around again. Take the right
door and grab the Dungeon Map. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/02.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/03.gif) |
Go back and take the stairs in the corner.
Make your way right to the disappearing
brick spot. Once you have passed it,
climb the ladder and into a dark room.
Light the torch and sprint around to the
chest (you can relight it again if needed).
Grab the small key and head back to the
stairs. Go back left and up the ladder,
then go up and weave your way back
to the stairs going up. |
Make your way back to the entrance
and unlock the door to the right. Jump
across the spikes and bomb the right
wall. Kill the monsters and push the
block to reveal a chest with a Compass.
Head back to the spike room and go
up. Dive under the rollers to the upper
door (a Zora's Ring works good here).
Equip the Roc's Ring if you have it and
jump onto the cracked floors and to the
other side. Take the cart. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/04.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/05.gif) |
When you stop, hop on the cart again
and flip the switch on your way. Kill all
of the monsters in the room to make a
key drop into the water. Dive after it and
take the cart again. Unlock the block
and kill the monsters to make some stairs
appear. Using a Pegasus Seed, jump
across the pits to the stairs. Hop on the
cart at the bottom and when you stop,
grab the Small Key on the ledge. Go
down and hop across the spikes to the
lower door and enter it. |
Equip you Ember Seeds and wait for
Agahnim to appear. If you remember
from Zelda 3, Agahnim was defeated
by returning his magic to him. Not here.
Light the torches and look for the one
with a shadow underneath it. Spin
attack it and it will recieve damage.
Repeat if needed. If you need a reload
on Ember Seeds, slash the bushes.
About 8 slashes defeats it. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/06.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/07.gif) |
Head down and hop on the cart. When
you stop, unlock the left door. This next
part is tricky. Push the statue on the
button and the cracked floors will start
to fall. Use a Pegasus Seed and run for
your life to the stairs and the Slingshot in
the chest. Jump down and hop back
into the cart. When you stop, go back
in the cart and use the Slingshot to flip
the switches. |
Enter the next room and use a Pegasus
Seed to make the long jumps. Unlock
the block and head up. Kill the monsters
and dive into the right 'eye' to recieve
the Boss Key. Hop back into the cart
and when you stop, go up across the
spikes and into another cart. Shoot the
Torches with an Ember Seed to make
a Chest appear. Go back to the spike
room and up the stairs to recieve a
Small Key. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/08.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/09.gif) |
Head back down past Agahnim's Room
and into the cart room. Shoot the switch
at the bottom and hop into the cart.
Kill the Wizzrobes and go up. Unlock the
block, watching out for the Beamos. Go
down the stairs. Kill the Wizzrobes and
Anti-faeries and shoot the torches with
an Ember Seed to make a bridge appear.
Cross it to the next room and go up.
Hop on the ride and unlock the Boss
door at the end. |
Gohma is pretty fast. Use a Pegasus
Seed and spin attack the claw before
it grabs you. When the claw is gone,
equip the Slingshot with Ember Seeds
and when the eye opens, quickly shoot
it. When the larvas appear, spin attack
them with the sword. Keep shooting
the eye and when it is defeated, grab
the heart and the Soothing Rain. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk08/10.gif) |