![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/01.gif) |
Head to North Horon and jump across
the pit and through the log. This part
differs depending on which animal you
have. If you have Ricky, you must hop
across tall grasses and defeat Buzz Blobs.
If you have Moosh, you must fly over
long pits. If you have Dimitri, you must
swim through the river to the Sunken
City. If you are lost keep in mind that
my map was made while I was using
Dimitri, so it may not be much of a help. |
Throw Dimitri over the pit if you have
him. Either way, you will soon meet
the Great Moblin. Avoid him for now
and just head east to the Sunken City.
Search around the city and make sure
to get some Gale Seeds. If you do not
have Dimitri yet, exit the area and you
will see some kids picking on Dimitri.
Give the kids all of your bombs to
save Dimitri. He will then gladly help you
out. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/02.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/03.gif) |
Once you have Dimitri, go up the
waterfalls until you come to 2 waterfalls.
Go up the right one and talk to the old
man. He says to go to the left waterfall
and slash all statues at once and bring
proof of doing so. Go up the left one and
push the statues to make a square. Stand
in the middle and use a spin attack to
make stairs appear. Grab the Master's
Plaque and take it back to the old man
to recieve Zora's Flippers. |
Now that you have the flippers, you can
now swim in deep water. Go to this spot
near Ingo's house and dive. Make your
way to the left and exit. Climb up the
vines. You are now on Mt. Cucco. From
there, go left until the season changes.
You should then be able to blow up a
wall. Go into the cave and when you
come to a fork, take the right passage.
The path should lead to a Goron who
will give you a bigger Ring Box. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/04.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/05.gif) |
Go back to the area with the vines that
you climbed up. Head east and climb up
a huge ladder. Jump off the first ledge
and you will land on a portal to Subrosia.
Once there, jump to the other side and
2 kids will run into you and trade you a
Fool's Ore for the Roc's Feather. Go
west and enter their house. They plan to
bury the feather and run if anyone sees
them. |
This is another hide behind trees game.
Follow them and hide behind any trees
and rocks you might find. Make sure
that they do not see you. When you
come to the end of it, they will bury the
feather in a marked spot. When they
leave, dig the spot for the feather. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/06.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/07.gif) |
Now that you have your feather back,
head east of the portal and jump across
to the stairwell. Follow it and take the
ladder to the Tower of Spring (there is
also a Gasha Seed in there). Enter
and talk to the Spirit of Spring. In Spring,
Rock Flowers and Spring Flowers
bloom, and the waters rise higher. Exit
the Tower of Spring. |
There are a few more things to do in
Subrosia before you leave. Using the
Roc's Feather near the Portal going to
the Woods of Winter, make your way
to 3-C. Talk to the guy inside and he
will make some Lava Soup for you only
if you have the Iron Pot. There are also
2 Gasha seeds in this area. One is in a
cave northwest of the Chef's home, and
the other is directly north (behind the
locked door). Use Rosa to unlock the
door. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/08.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/09.gif) |
Once you have everything, head back
to Holodrum through the warp you took
to get there. Change the season to Spring
and head east. Talk to Moosh and then
cut the flowers going north. Grab the
Fly Cucco with the Power Bracelet
and rapidly tap the button to make it
fly you to the ledge. Go through the cave
to the top and grab the Spring Banana.
Give it to Moosh and he will help you.
(you can skip this part if you have him). |
Head towards Goron Mountain and
have Moosh fly over the holes just
north of the entrance. Grab the Dragon
Key and fly back across. Now take this
time to plant some Gasha Seeds (you
should have plenty by now) and to
continue the trading event. Go see
Big Goron and give him the Lava Soup.
His cold will be gone and he will give
you a Goron Vase. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/10.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/11.gif) |
Head to the Sunken City and see Ingo.
Give him the Goron Vase in exchange for
Fish. Now see the man north of Horon
with the Megaphone. He will trade his
Megaphone for the Fish in order to get
his Cat down. |
Head back to Mt. Cucco. Change the
Season to Spring and use the Spring
Flower to hop to the higher ledge. Go
to the cave in the north and wake up
Talon with the Megaphone. He will
give you a Mushroom and leave.
Grab the ring in the chest and exit. Head
east and jump down by the stump to get
a Heart Piece. Go back up and change
the seasons to Winter. |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/12.gif) |
![](../images/walkthroughpics/walk07/13.gif) |
Head back west and jump on the Snow
pile and into the cave. Make your way
to the top and use the Flying Cucco to
fly across the gab. Place the Dragon Key
in the Keyhole and the waterfall will dry
up, revealing a cave. Jump down and
change the season to Summer. Climb
the vines and enter the Dancing Dragon
Dungeon. |