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Heal Magic

Name Cost (MP) Effect Characters Where to learn Price (LP)
Strong 6 recover some HP (1) Wa, Se, Me, Yu, Ru, Mi Patos, Albano, Majari, Tomis 50
Stronger 10 recover more HP (1) Wa, Se, Me, Yu, Ru, Mi Cobe, Alstadt Dungeon, Alstadt Kingdom 200
Strongest 22 recover all HP (1) Wa, Se, Me, Yu, Ru, Mi Tanba, Mologoro 1000
Champion 18 recover some HP (all) Me, Yu, Mi Tomis, Alstadt Dungeon 700
Champion X 32 recover more HP (all) Me, Yu, Mi Cobe, Alstadt Dungeon, Redwood, Midy, Siantao Kingdom 1500
Rally 15 revive 1 ally with few HP Wa, Se, Me, Yu, Ru, Mi Tomis, Cobe, Alstadt, Redwood 500
Valor 30 fully revive 1 ally Me, Yu, Mi Tanba, Midy 3000
Poison 4 cure poison (all) Se, Dei, Me, Yu, Is, Mi Patos, Albano, Majari 20
Awaken 4 cure sleep (all) Se, Dei, Me, Yu, Is, Mi Siantao, Caan 40
Release 4 cure paralysis (all) Se, Dei, Me, Yu, Is, Mi Cobe, Alstadt Dungeon, Alstadt Kingdom 150
Help 20 cure all status (1) Se, Me, Yu, Mi Redwood 700
X-Absorb 10 absorb HP (all) Se, Me, Mi Siantao 100
Absorb 1 absorb MP (1) Se, Me, Mi Tomis 200

Attack Magic

Name Cost (MP) Effect Characters Where to learn Price (LP)
Spark 7 Fire (all) Se, Ru, Is, Mi Siantao 25
Fireball 14 Fire (all) Se, Ru, Is, Mi Tomis, Alstadt 250
Firebird 25 Fire (all) Se, Ru, Is, Mi Elcorano, Tanba 1250
Fire Dragon 50 Fire (1) Se, Ru, Mi Mologoro, Siantao Kingdom 2500
Gale 7 Ice (all) Wa, Me, Ru, Is, Mi Albano 30
Blizzard 14 Ice (all) Waw, Me, Ru, Is, Mi Cobe 300
Ice Valk 25 Ice (all) Wa, Me, Ru, Is, Mi Redwood 1500
Ice Storm 50 Ice (1) Me, Ru, Mi Midy, Siantao Kingdom 3000
Flash 5 Bolt (1) Se, Dei, Is, Mi Majari, Siantao 20
Bolt 10 Bolt (1) Se, Dei, Is, Mi Caan, Gulduck 200
Thunder 20 Bolt (1) Se, Dei, Is, Mi Alstadt, Redwood 1000
Storm 40 Bolt (all) Se, Mi Tanba, Siantao Kingdom 2500
Perish 4 Instant Death (1) Me, Yu, Is Alstadt Dungeon, Elcorano 500
Destroy 8 Instant Death (all) Me, Yu Mologoro 3000
Fry 15 Holy (1) Mi Midy, Siantao Kingdom 750
Zap 30 Holy (1) Mi Midy, Siantao Kingdom 2000
Reduce 30 defeats "Mirror" with darkness Se, Ai, Ru Gulduck, Siantao Kingdom 5000

Support Magic

Name Cost (MP) Effect Characters Where to learn Price (LP)

Spells that affect allies

Guard 5 DFP up (1) Se, Ai, Me, Is Caan 100
Trick 8 ATP up (1) Ai, Me, Is, Mi Tomis 250
Fake 8 SPD up (1) Ai, Me, Is, Mi Tomis 150
Defender 10 DFP up (all) Ai, Me, Mi Redwood, Tanba, Mologoro 400
Courage 8 REG up (all) Ai, Me, Ru, Is, Mi Elcorano 300
Spell Break 10 DFP+REG up (all) Ai, Me, Ru, Is, Mi Midy 1000
Resistance 10 resist status change Me, Yu, Mi Tanba, Midy, Siantao Kingdom 500
Mirror 8 reflect magic (1) Se, Me, Ru, Mi Redwood 400

Spells that affect enemies

Drain 5 DFP down (1) Se, Dei, Ai, Is, Mi Majari, Siantao 50
Dread 10 DFP down (all) Se, Ai, Mi Alstadt Dungeon, Alstadt Kingdom 400
Drowsey 3 Sleep (1) Se, Dei, Mi Albano, Majari 40
Sleep 5 Sleep (all) Se, Mi Redwood 100
Confuse 3 Confusion (1) Se, Ru, Is, Mi Siantao 50
Madness 6 Confusion (all) Se, Ru, Is, Mi Elcorano 100
Mute 3 Silence (1) Dei, Ru, Is, Mi Caan 120
Silence 5 Silence (all) Ru, Mi Redwood 400

Other Magic

Name Cost (MP) Effect Characters Where to learn Price (LP)
Light 1 light up dark places
eff. against ghosts
Se Seena has it  
Escape 4 exit dungeons Wa, Se, Dei, Ai, Me, Yu, Ru, Is, Mi Siantao 100
Warp 5 warp to a town you've been before Wa, Se, Dei, Ai, Me, Yu, Ru, Is, Mi Tomis, Cobe 200