Cronus Trigger
At this point, we still need one more gem, so let's get it. Return to the Olympus' gods' shrine (far south of Marea), and sail to the west. When you reach land, moor your ship and you'll come across Dark Tower, home to the final gem. |
The GriefGem is the most important treasure in the Dark Tower, but there's also a Gorgon Sword which is quite nice. Climb the tower until you reach the southwest portion of the third floor. From here, make your way to the southwest staircase, make your way to the northwest corner of the fourth floor, then drop down the pit there to reach a treasure chest containing the Gorgon Sword, which is very powerful, and may instantly destroy enemies. After getting the sword, leave the tower, return to the third floor, and make your way to the southeast staircase, carefully navigating past the row of pillars to reach the top floor. On the top floor, make your way to the pit in the center of the floor. You need to drop down from the far-left corner of the pit, as shown, to reach the GriefGem. |
Once you get the last gem, it's time to put them to use. The first thing you should do is visit Gaia's Shrine. To get there, warp to Marea, and sail southwest from that island until you reach this small island with a single tree. From here, dive underwater and sail due east and you'll come across a tiny underwater cave which leads to Gaia's Shrine. |
There's not a whole lot to do in Gaia's shrine. If you have all five gems, you can enter the central area and get the Hero Gauntlet. Otherwise, you can't. It's as simple as that. |
After getting the Hero Gauntlet, there's one more relic we can pick up. Warp your way to Elm, then walk to the west, then north to reach a small shrine. In this shrine the old man will give you the SeaFlute, which allows you to summon Poseidon's anywhere along the ocean. |
At this point, if you feel you want to level up, now's the time. We're not reaching a point of no return, exactly, but after the next events, you'll have to go the rest of the game without your gods' assistance, so you want to be sure you're powerful enough to handle it alone. When you're ready, you need to return to the shrine at Nixie Lake, so warp to Temis, then go around the outside of the western edge of town to reach the portal leading you to the shrine pictured. Then go ahead and enter the northern portal as shown. Oh, and by the way, you need to go here alone, so make sure you make this journey without any gods. |
If you reach the shrine alone, and you'v already received the Hero Gauntlet, you should be able to proceed and climb the tower. Do so, carefully avoiding the floor traps until you reach a chest at the top. This isn't a treasure chest, but rather, this is where Cronus is sealed. Use the Hero Gauntlet as an item on the chest, and it'll open, but Cronus will pop out before you can seal him for good. Whoops. You'll have to fight him now, in any case. Cronus tends to start the battle with Thanato... if it's successful, use a LifeSeed to heal up. Otherwise keep attacking. If you're at a decent level and you have the Eagle Boots, you should be able to take him out without too much issue. |
Turns out you just defeated Cronus' shadow. Or something. But you'll still have to stop his full revival. But first, let's upgrade our sword, shall we? Return to the Olympus gods' shrine, far south of Marea, and if you picked up the Zeus Sword earlier, and it's currently in your inventory, you'll find Hephaestus waiting for you. He'll transform your Zeus Sword into the God Sword. If you somehow lost your Zeus Sword, you're out of luck. Incidentally, if you'd like to keep your Zeus Sword AND get the God Sword, you merely have to put the Zeus Sword in the MagicBag before you talk to Hephaestus. |
Before you get ready to infiltrate the Titan's Castle, but make sure you go prepared. Since you no longer have the assistance of any gods, it's imperitive you have a way to heal yourself. Return to the shrine near Elm with the LifeSeed tree and stock up. You'll want to stuff as many LifeSeeds as your MagicBag will carry. Get rid of any PopoDrops you have while you're at it, since you no longer have any gods to use them anyway. |
The way the Titans' Castle works is simple. The final boss can be reached by heading directly north from the entrance and climbing the central tower. Unfortunately, you need to defeat a boss at each of the corner towers to be able to take that path. So, to start, take the lower-left staircase from the first floor. This takes you right to the first boss, ChaosMage. ChaosMage isn't much of a threat... in fact, it's just a regular enemy elsewhere in the castle. Take it out, then head south to reach the outside of the castle. |
There's only one treasure in the castle, and it's a pretty good one. From the outside area, head through the central entrance in the south, and go down the staircase in the center of the room, in the middle of the barrier near Demeter. This path leads you to the Zeus Armor, which is the most powerful armor in the game, although it doesn't grant you the magical protection the Holy Armor does. Anyway, after getting it, return to the outside area and head to the upper-left tower to find Gigas. Gigas is pure power, with no magical capabilities, so make sure Zeus Armor is equipped. With the Eagle Boots, you'll stand a chance. |
The lower-right tower leads to a fight with Typhon. Typhon likes to cast Buzdion, so the Holy Armor may be a better choice than the Zeus Armor here. Typhon can also heal itself, so try to finish it off quickly. |
The upper-right tower leads to a battle with Tiamat. Tiamat can be quite tough, as he can attack twice in a round, but he usually spews fire. Therefore, the Water Crown is quite useful here. |
After finishing off the four bosses, return to the entrance of the castle and head directly north. You'll see that the flames that were previously blocking your path are now gone. Carefully climb the tower here to encounter Lord Vlad. Well, I guess since Cronus isn't fully revived, somebody's gotta be the final boss, right? This guy knows all the tricks in the book, including Buzdion, breathing fire and ice, and he can heal himself, so come prepared with the Water Crown, Holy Armor and Eagle Boots. |
A winner is you. |
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