Tweeter and the Light Key Man
The easiest way to get to Nana is to warp to Hebe and just head south from there. Nana is on the large island you just south of Hebe. When you get there, go to the second floor of the castle and talk to the queen. Homer will then leave your party and advise you to head to the shrine near a desert to the southeast. |
After Homer leaves, make sure to visit Olympus to get a new god to join you. Then, go back up to the room with the queen, and drop off the ledge to the right to find a chest with the Jade in it. This Jade can be used to help you find the five gems you'll need to collect later in the game. |
Once you're done in Nana, you should sail southeast of its island until you come across a desert along the shore. Moor your boat here, then head due south until you come across a shrine. Talk to the priest here to receive the Trident, which you can use to save Poseidon. |
To get to Storm Tower, warp to Aros, get on your boat, then head south down the channel. You'll want to moor your boat at this small spot here, then start walking on land. It's a bit of a hike before you actually get to the tower. |
The Storm Tower's layout isn't complicated, but the enemies can wipe you out in a hurry if you're not careful. Make sure to pick up the Sldier Sword on the first floor, then carefully make your way up to the top. At the top, you'll have to fight Kraken, who can heal himself and attack twice in a turn. When Kraken goes down, you can go up to the statue of Poseidon and use the Trident, which will revive him, and he'll whisk himself off to his shrine, which is south of the town of Leneira, which can be found by sailing west of Athens. |
You can warp to Athens, and go around the cape to the south to reach the western coast, and then head to the west to reach Leneira, which is just north of Poseidon and Hestia's shrine. Before we actually meet up with Poseidon, go into the town. The most important thing to do in Leneira is to pick up the Flame Whip, which can attack a group of enemies with fire if used as an item, although it makes a poor weapon. To get it, head to the right when you first enter town, as shown, then make your way to the northeast corner of town, which will bring you to a staircase that leads to the Flame Whip. |
When you're done in Leneira, just head south a bit to reach Poseidon and Hestia's shrine. Behind Poseidon is a portal, which will take you to a small room. Drop down the pit here to reach the Undersea Cave. This place isn't too difficult, but when you arrive, you'll be surrounded by a barrier that saps your HP, so be careful. Head down the stairs to find Poseidon's ship, which allows you to dive like a submarine. Diving serves two purposes: First, it allows you to reach new areas, and second, there are no enemies underwater, so use that to your advantage while you're sailing. Make sure to grab the Coral Armor before you leave, and remember you can only exit the cave by diving underwater with your new ship. |
After you gain access to Poseidon's ship, there are plenty of new locations you can travel to, but before you go, you can gain a powerful new ally in Poseidon. Simply return to Poseidon's shrine without any companions and Poseidon will offer to join your party. Poseidon is strong, and can heal you, so he's a big help to have along. |
Now that you've got an entire ocean to explore, there are plenty of locales to visit, so the game becomes quite a bit less linear at this point. One thing you'll have to do at some point, however, is visit Temis, and the associated cave west of it, so let's go ahead and do that. Temis is just to the west of Leneira, and to reach it, you'll need to take the western exit from the Undersea Cave. |
From Temis, head south, then west and loop back around to the north to reach the cave. There's really only one treasure here that matters, and that's the ChaosGem, which resides at the very bottom. You'll need the gem to beat the game, so get it and get out of the cave. There's no boss in the cave, so if you're prepared, you shouldn't have too much trouble... |
Our next destination is the town of Privia. To reach this town, start at the western coast of Leneira, and follow the coast southward. When you reach the shown area, you will be able to moor your boat. Do so and start walking to the east, and you'll eventually make your way to the town. Buy the Battle Axe if you don't already have one, and you may want to consider the Holy Armor too. It's weaker than the Coral Armor, but it reduces damage from magic spells, so it may be useful. |
Before heading to the Pirate Tower, you should probably head south of Privia to this shrine. By searching at the tree here, you can find PopoDrops, which will completely restore your god's current HP and MP at any time. The problem? You can only carry one at a time. You can get around that by using Hermes' OddSack to store any extras you have, if you're so inclined. Do make sure to get at least one, though. |
Just north of Privia is the Pirate Tower. Our ultimate goal is to reach the harbor beneath this tower, as the actual treasures in the tower proper aren't even worth the trouble. The quickest way to do this is to climb to the second floor, then make your way to the lower-left portion of this floor, and fall down one of the hidden traps here. Then you can take the staircase downward to the harbor. If you fall down one of the traps in the upper part of the floor, you'll be unable to access the harbor, so you'll have to try again. You can also explore the third floor if you'd like, but all there is there is a pair of Wings, and the opportunity to drop down and get a MedHerb (which also lets you access the harbor, but this path is more trouble than it's worth). |
In the harbor, head to the boat and find the old man, Tagon, who will battle you, as he apparently is one of Cronus' cronies. He spends most of his moves healing, but he can rust your equipment and he hits hard when he chooses to attack. Beyond him is the Jail Key. Also be sure to get the treasure from the brig beneath the harbor after retrieving the Jail Key. |
Once you get the Jail Key, we'll be able to get the final key, which is in the town of Marea. The easiest way to get there is to warp to Menai, then go north until you find your ship, and then sail southward, until you reach just south of the desert. Marea lies on an island there. Once in the town, go south of the first house house, as shown, and loop around to the northwest corner of town, and talk to the old man there. If you have all three keys at this point, the old man will take them and open a pathway to a cave. |
There's not much to this cave, as it's quite short and the only treasure is the Light Key, which can open any door in the game. One thing of note, however, is the DrainMeel enemy you may encounter here. These things are insanely quick and have extremely high defense. But defeating them gives you over 1000 experience points a pop. Sure, they drain some experience points when you get hit by them, but this is more of a minor inconvenience. You may want to spend some time leveling up here, as the DrainMeels are quite plentiful, as are Drain Eyes. |
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