A Star Is Born...
Even though you play this game as Heracles, you'll still have to give yourself a pseudonym so you can remain incognito. Gotta avoid the paparazzi, doncha know? |
When the game starts, Heracles is uncharacteristically weak and pathetically alone. As a result, even the spiders roaming around Athens cause him problems. The solution? Equip the Tunic and Cane and start squishing some spiders and dropping some drops until you get stronger. You can also buy some stronger equipment in town as you (slowly) gain some funds. Once you reach level 4, you can return to Olympus via the temple in Athens to get Ares to join you, which will make things much easier. |
Once you are adaquately beefed up, you can make the trek to your next location, Hebe. Just head north of Athens, then go east, then south. If you end up in a town filled with poison, you're in Selen, which means you didn't travel east enough before heading south. The town you want is the one shown in this picture. |
Inside Hebe is some damn man named Dan. Apparently, fighting him is some sort of rite of passage. After he takes care of his opponent, you can challenge him, but he has a few conditions. First, he won't fight you if you have a god with you, so if you do, you'll have to return to Olympus and dismiss him or her. Second, he'll only fight you if you are equipped with a sword, so make sure you buy the Iron Sword in Athens before you try to challenge him. Dan's quite tough, but he only has 55 HP, so if you're leveled enough, a few good hits will do him in. In any case, make sure to pack plenty of MedHerbs for the battle, since Dan hits hard. |
After you defeat Dan, you can do a couple more things in town. You can talk to the king to learn about Hades and all his wacky shenanigans in the tower north of town, and you can talk to the soldier in the northwest corner of the castle to figure out how to reach the aforementioned tower. Once you're done with all that, you can head north, then west, then south on the other side of the gulf to find the town of Selen, which is surrounded by poison. You'll probably want to stop over in Athens first, though, to bring a god and save before you head to Selen, though. |
In Selen, head up the stairs and talk to the old man. Assuming you defeated Dan, he'll move his vase, revealing a staircase. Past the staircase is a fancy new key! Leave the elder's house, then go to the northern part of town to find a staircase leading downward. |
Navigate past all the poison in the basement and unlock the door and you'll encounter a tunnel. The tunnel's pretty simple, and once you get past that, you'll find yourself in the tower where Hades supposedly resides! |
The most important task in this tower is to get procure the Shore Harp. To find it, climb to to the second floor of the tower, and instead of ascending to the third floor via the nearby staircase, go up the staircase in the northeast corner of the floor. Just be careful not fall off the tower when you're picking up the harp. |
If you're so inclined, you can climb to the top of the tower and chew the fat with Hades, but he'll just taunt you and vanish, so it's up to you... |
Once you're done in the tower, head back to Hebe, and enter the tower in the southeast corner of the castle. Go through the locked door and follow the path to reach the entrance to the Fountain Shrine. Use the Shore Harp here and a staircase will reveal, which will allow you to progress to the eastern continent. |
A short cave is found beneath the Fountain Shrine. In this area, there are Hill Hounds and Meels, and both of these enemies can poison you. For this reason, bringing Persephone might be a wise choice. Once you navigate through the cave, you'll reach another little shrine. This shrine contains an old man, a panel that heals you when it's stepped on, and a locked door with a treasure chest on the other side. We can't access this treasure yet, but keep it in the back of your mind for later, as it'll be very important. Now to do as the old man says, and head east to the coast, then north to our next town... |
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