Dating Do's and Don'ts for modern teens and ranchers
Every girl has differnt tastes, and each have thier own hardness to marry
Here is the order from Easiest to Hardest.
The Basics you need to know about getting girls to like you-
1-Talk! Talk! Talk! Talking is one of the most basic (and cheapest!!) ways of getting a girl to like you.
2-Renovate your house
You cant marry a girl or purchase a blue feather of happiness till you do!
See renovating house's for more info.
3-Eve and Ellan are easiest to please as the are avialible to talk to 24 hours.
4-Be careful what you choose
Some girls like some things more then others, and some girls actually hate it when you give them certain items.
Obviosly, DON'T offer weeds to girls.
5-Check diarys every season! they can be found in thier rooms, usally near thier bed in the drawer.
6-On rainy days, the girls can be found in thier rooms.
7-When thers a speacail event, and your asked to pick a dance partner, this is really good for raising thier love for you
Now the lowdown on the girls
Eve REALLY likes-Flowers, grapes, full moon berrys, cakes and food from your farm.(thats about everything really!)
Dislikes-Fish, poison mushroom
Easy to please, If you have any extra crops at the end of summer, give them to her for a really good boost in liking.You can find her At the bar at night, on the weekend shes in the mountains, either near or in the spa, and during the day on weekdays she will be in the center of town.
Ellen REALLY likes-Eggs, Milk (the bigger the better), Crops from your garden.
Likes-Flowers, Grapes, Melons
Dislikes-mushrooms, good and bad.
Ellan likes animals and sweets.
She works in a bakery, and due to this, she can't have pets or they would cuase too much trouble.
though, she does keep a bird called p-chan
She gives you your dog on the second day.
You can find her outside her uncles house on most days(the stockdealer).
on saturdays she will be behind his house rather then the normal outside the front.
Maria REALLY likes-Flowers
Likes-Eggs, Milk,Home grown vegitables
Dislikes-Cake, poison mushrooms
Most days Maris will be sweeping outside church, on the weekends she'll be in church playing the organ.
She is the Mayors duaghter
Ann REALLY likes-Cake,flowers
Ann likes-anything else
Ann is the tomboy of the game.She can be normally found inside her dads shop (the tool shop).
On saturdays shes outside the shop, on sundays shes at church.
She trys to make an invention during the game, what it is you never actaully find out, it keeps blowing up.
Nina REALLY likes-Cake, Flowers.(I havent gotten round to marrying her yet, but Ive heard rumours from other guides that you should only give her flowers bought from her own shop, whether this is true or not, Im not yet too sure. Send me a email to confirm this) Update: I tried starting a new game on harvest moon, and am currently trying to marry Nina. From what I can tell, she doesn't mind you giving her picked flowers, but the fortune teller says other wise.
Likes-anything else
Dislikes-(supposedly)Picked flowers+herbs
Nina Is a...very expensive girl.
She works in the flower shop, and is often outside of it. On weekends shes out in the mountian picking herbs
She is the hardest girl to get on with, good luck getting her
shes very choosy, shes out most of the time so you have limited time to talk to her and give her presents.
I think shes on drugs, look at her pic, talk to her, and you'll see what i mean
Where to find girls on star light festival-
Eve-The bar
Ellen-The Center of town
Ann-The spa in the mountains
Nina-The summit(top of the mountains)
What purfume to buy during the flower festival-
Heart quests-
If your really getting on well with a girl, Somthing happens, and you must help her.
These quests are more fun if you find them out for yourself, but if your REALLY stuck(which is pretty hard...) then refer here Doing each quest rewards in the same thing-More love from that girl, and a kiss.
Eve-Her grandfather (the hunter) goes into the mountians, and there is an earthquake, caving him in.
be the hero, take your hammer, and smash the rocks, talk to him.
Ellen-Her Pchan (bird) has gone.Its in the foest, near the fisherman. Just walk up to it and talk to retrieve it
Maria-Shes gone missing! Find her in the carpenters home
Ann-Loses her rooster wind thingy.Find it in your chicken coop. (makes you wonder, doesnt it?Think- Zelda 3)
Nina-Shes stuck in the same place as Eves grandad is. Save her, give her a herb, talk to her.
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